Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



First Advisor

Sarah Murnen


This study investigated the effect of video content on straight men’s homosexual judgment. Straight male participants (N = 115) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: heterosexual video condition in which they viewed male-female sexual activities, homosexual video condition in which they viewed male-male sexual activities, and landscape video condition in which they viewed landscape scenery. Main effects of video content on animalistic dehumanization of gay men and hurting intention towards gay men were found. Animalistic dehumanization mediated the relationship between sexual arousal and hurting intention in the heterosexual video condition, and mediated the relationship between disgust and hurting intention in the heterosexual video condition and the homosexual video condition. Results imply that sexual arousal and disgust can foster straight men’s negative attitudes of gay men even when the sexual arousal and disgust are not elicited by gay-related stimuli. Implications and future directions were discussed.

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