Relating and Un-Relating: An Exploration of Contemporary Ibadi Tolerance Using Relational Doctrine, Pragmatism, and Khariji Roots

Max J. Dugan


In order to understand modern Ibadi Muslim tolerance, this paper examines their religious doctrine and history. Ultimately, I conclude that their emphasis on surviving as a righteous community led Ibadis to develop relational doctrines that could balance their need to maintain a homogeneous Ibadi group within a heterogeneous society. The paper begins with an investigation of their origin narrative as an offshoot movement of the Khawarij, a significant and controversial early Islamic movement. Following that I examine Ibadi relational doctrines and political history that is relevant to their modern religious tolerance. This paper concludes with an analysis of contemporary Ibadi religious tolerance using mostly government-published sources and my personal experiences in Oman.