History of Research
The Four Valleys Archive consists of all records resulting from archaeological investigations conducted from 1983-2022 across 180km2 (ca. 70 miles2) within five distinct drainages in northwestern and western Honduras. These basins include: the Naco valley along the Chamelecon river; the lower Cacaulapa drainage, a tributary of the Chamelecon situated 9km southwest of the Naco Valley; the middle Chamelecon valley, linking the Naco and lower Cacaulapa valleys; the middle Ulua river basin ca. 40km south of the Naco valley; and, the El Paraíso valley lying 93 km to the southwest of Naco and 27 km northeast of the lowland Maya center of Copan. The materials recorded in the course of this work span three millennia (1200BC-AD1532). The archive contains data pertaining to the configurations, sizes, and locations of more than 900 sites recorded on survey along with the results of excavations at over 180 settlements and the analysis of roughly one million artifacts.
Types of Data
Analysis Sheets | Catalog Sheets | Drawings |
Excavation Reports | Field Notes | Lot Cards |
Ulua Lot Cards | Photographs | Readouts |
Season Reports | Survey Reports | Theses |
See our guide for more ways to navigate the collection.
Posters |
Analysis Sheets
PVN Op 79 Ceramic Analyses Sheets, Marne Ausec, Patricia Urban, Edward Schortman, et al.
PVN OP 81 Ceramic Analyse, Marne Ausec, Patricia Urban, Sylvia Smith, et al.
PVN Op 84 Ceramic Analyses Sheets, Marne Ausec, Patricia Urban, Ellen Bell, et al.
PVN Op 88 Ceramic Analyses Sheets, Patricia Urban
PVN Op 92 Ceramic Analyses Sheets, Marne Ausec, Patricia Urban, Edward Schortman, et al.
PVN Op 96 Ceramic Analyses, Patricia Urban, Marne Ausec, Sylvia Smith, et al.
PVN Op 98 Ceramic Analyses, Patricia Urban and Sylvia Smith
PVN Op 99 Ceramic Analyses, Marne Ausec, Sylvia Smith, Patricia Urban, et al.
PVN-Osidian Sourcing, Patricia Urban
PVN Osteological Analyses 1988-1991, Peggy Caldwell
PVN-Postclassic Ceramics-Color Sheets, Patricia Urban
PVN-PreclassicCeramics-Color Sheets, Patricia Urban
Sitio El Milagro Ceramic Analysis Sheets, Patricia Urban
{VN Op 26 Ceramic Analyses Sheets, Patricia Urban and Sylvia Smith
PSB 320D/010 Drawing Ground Stone Artifact Structure 15, Armando not recorded
PSB CAT 2A-030-001 Biface, Sylvia Smith
PSB CAT 3K-007-005 LCSH, Colleen Siders
PSB Crawing of Small Ceramic Vessel Donation, Patricia Urban
PSB Drawing of Stone Olmec Face Donation, Patricia Urban
PSB Lot 106G/13 Drawing of Ground Stone Tool, Test Pit, Gualjoquito, Armando not recorded
PSB Lot 106H/001 Drawing of a Ground Stone Artifact, Structure 17, Armando not recorded
PSB Lot 341A/003 Drawing Ground Stone Artifact Structure, Armando not recorded
PSB Lot 347B/002 Drawing of Ceramic Jar Fragments, Marie Hamilton
PSB Lot 347B/002 Drawing of Ceramic Profile, Marie Hamilton
PSB Lot 3E/006 Ground Stone Artifact Structure 5, Armando not recorded
PSB Lot 3F/013 Drawing of a Ground Stone Artifact, Armando not recorded
PSB Subop 106C Lot 14 Catalog item 1 Ground Stone Sctructure 1, Armando unknown
PSB Subop 3K Lot 9 Catalog Item 1 Ground Stone, Armando unknown
PSB Subop 6A Lot 28 Shoe Pot, Alexander Pezatti
PSB Subop 98E Lot 2 Catalog Item 1 Stone Sculpture Structures 6 and 7, Armando unknown
PSB Subop 98E Lot 2 Catalog Item 2 Ground Stone Structures 6, 7, Armando unknown
PSN Lot 347B Ceramic Drawing, Marie Hamilton
PVN-CAT-043-F-018-002-CAND, Marne Ausec
PVN-CAT-046-C-011-001-FWO, Marne Ausec
PVN-CAT-053-B-060-002-FWO, Ellen Bell
PVN-CAT-053-E-039-006-CAND, Edward Mark Schortman
PVN-CAT-055-AF-007-001-PLCN, Marne Ausec
PVN CAT 10A-015-001 FWO, Patricia Urban and Quique Posas
PVN-CAT-202-DA-010-003-WKDS, Edwin Barnes
PVN CAT 233A-001-001 CNSPK, Patricia Urban and Quique Posas
PVN-CAT-306-X-088-002-MTE, unknown unknown
PVN-CAT-323-U-006-001-STMP, Marne Ausec
PVN-CAT-423-B-045-002-LCTH, Patricia Urban
PVN-CAT-423-V-049-003-LCSH, Patricia Urban
Catalog Sheets
EPV 001 Ellen E Bell Field Notes 2010, Ellen Bell
EPV 017 Hostenske Field Notes 2009, Mary Hostenske
EPV CAT 01-03-01 Ground Stone 2006 with drawings, Mary Hostenske
EPV CAT 09-09-41 Ground stone (1), Mary Hostenske
EPV CAT Object Catalog Sheets 2007 and 2008, multiple multiple
EPV CAT Object Catalog Sheets 2009 (1), multiple multiple
EPV DRW 02-72-profile test pit, Erlend Johnson
EPV DRW 05-15 Str01 E-W Section Page 08 Structure 1, Santiago Escobar Morales
EPV DRW 10-26-02 Ground Stone 2009 Structure 20, Jenica Szirmay
EPV DRW Op 02-37 section 1 Structure 1 and 2, Thomas Gonyea
EPV DRW Op 02-45 section page 2 Structure 9, Katherine Sanders
EPV DRW Op 02-54 elevation page 2 Structure 12, Erlend Johnson
EPV DRW Op 02-61 section page 3 Structure 4, Whitney Goodwin
EPV DRW Op 05-12 section Structure 1, Roberto Ramirez
PNV-CAT-014-E-034-006-CNCMPB, Marne Ausec
PSB 150F-005-001a Used Stone Structure 9, Patricia Urban
PSB 192C-001-00 Pestle Structure 9, Adam Carpenter
PSB 347F-002-031 CNCMPB, Patricia Urban
PSB CAT 100A-002-001 MTE, Maria Masucci
PSB CAT 100C-007-001 LCTH, Colleen Siders
PSB CAT 100C-009-002 SCNL, Colleen Siders
PSB CAT 100C-009-010 SCNL, Marta Johnson
PSB CAT 100D-002-006 SCNL, Marta Johnson
PSB CAT 100D-004-001 MANO, Thomas Melchionne
PSB CAT 100J-004-001 MTE, Thomas Melchionne
PSB CAT 102B-001-001 MTE, Patricia Urban
PSB CAT 102B-002-001 CAND, unknown unknown
PSB CAT 102B-004-001 MTE, Wendy Ashmore
PSB CAT 102D-001-001 LCSH, Marie Hamilton
PSB CAT 102D-002-002 MANO, Patricia Urban
PSB CAT 103A-001-001 WKST, Maria Masucci
PSB CAT 103D-001-001 MTE, Thomas Melchionne
PSB CAT 103D-001-002 MTE, unknown unknown
PSB CAT 103D-002-001 LCSH, Colleen Siders
PSB CAT 103E-006-001 MANO, Victoria Paine
PSB CAT 103J-001-001 MTE, Victoria Paine
PSB CAT 104C-001-001 MANO, Victoria Paine
PSB CAT 104C-002-002 and 003 Stone Sphere Structure 1, unknown unknown
PSB CAT 104C-002-002 PLCN, unknown unknown
PSB CAT 104D-001-001 PLCN, Colleen Siders
PSB CAT 104D-001-001 PLCN_001, Colleen Siders
PSB CAT 104D-003-001 MTE, Thomas Melchionne
PSB CAT 104G-001-001 PLCN, unknown unknown
PSB CAT 105A-005-001 LCSH, Sylvia Smith
PSB CAT 105A-005-002 LCSH, Sylvia Smith
PSB CAT 105A-010-001 MANO, Adam Carpenter
PSB CAT 106-009-001 CNSPK, Colleen Siders
PSB CAT 106A-003-001 MANO, Thomas Melchionne
PSB CAT 106A-003-002-MANO, Thomas Melchionne
PSB CAT 106A-011-001 MTE, Adam Carpenter
PSB CAT 106A-012-001b MTE, Adam Carpenter
PSB CAT 106A-012-1a-MTE, Adam Carpenter
PSB CAT 106A-10-001 MTE, Adam Carpenter
PSB CAT 106A-10-002 MTE, Adam Carpenter
PSB CAT 106AA-003-001 SCNL, Marta Johnson
PSB CAT 106AA-003-002 CNCMPBMDL, Colleen Siders