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Fuller summarizes the committees' reports on the "Ohio business." The committee reported that the Episcopate of Ohio was vacant upon Bp. Chase's removal but filled by the election of Dr. McIlvaine, and provides other information discussed at the Conventions.




Edward Johnson, Dr. Wainwright, General Convention, Convention of Ohio, Bishop Chase, Philander Chase, Bishop White, Bishop Brownell, Bishop Meade, Bishop Bowen, Dr. DeLancey, Dr. Lyell, Dr. Crocker, Mr. Beach, Mr. Duer, Mr. Donaldson, Dr McIlvaine, Mr. Sparrow, Mr. Bausman, Mr. Doane, John Johns, Mr. Eastburn, James C. Richmond, Miss Mullegan, Mrs. Hill, Bishop Onderdonk, Gardiner, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Edson, Mr. Bronson, Mr. Ballard, Mrs. Wells, Dr. Milnor, Litchfield, constitution, resignation



New York Oct. 20th 1832

My dear wife,

On my way from the post office on Thursday evening, wh. by the way I again found closed, wh. will account for my [taking] you again. with the portage, I met Edward Johnson, & went with him to his room in Broadway nearly opposite Dr. Wainwright's Ch. He spends his evenings in reading & seems to be doing well. He expects to visit the West this fall & winter in the business of his employer, to go through Ohio & Kentucky perhaps as far as St. Louis, & to be gone 3 or 4 months.

Yesterday in Convention the reports of the Committees on the Ohio business were received. The Convention of Ohio had requested the House of Bishops, who are by the Constitution of the Ohio Seminary made a board of visitors, to “take notice” of the acts of that institution. The Committee of the Gen. Convention to whom this request of the Convention of Ohio was referred reported that as the Convention of Ohio had not specified any instances where the Trustees of Kenyon Col. had violated the canons doctrine or discipline of the General Ch. it was not proper for the Gen. Convention to legislate upon the subject. The report however was recommitted to the Committee & will be taken up at some future time. The Committee appointed on the resignation of Bp. Chase, consisting of Bishops White, Brownell & Meade (not Bowen as in my last letter) Drs DeLancey, Lyell, & Crocker, Messrs Beach, Duer & Donaldson, reported that the Episcopate of Ohio was now vacant by the removal of Bp. Chase beyond the organized jurisdiction of the Epis. Ch. in the U.S. & that it was vacant previous to the election of Dr. McIlvaine. This was the report of the majority of the Committee. Who the dissentients are I do not know. The question is made the special business of Monday at 12 oclock - There will be a great deal of warm discussion. Bp. Chase it is said is desirous of resuming the jurisdiction of Ohio, & a portion of the Convention will be disposed to require Ohio to receive him back. This will of course be opposed by the delegation of that diocese, consisting of Rev. Messrs Sparrow & [Bausman], & from what I can learn, a majority of the Convention. I was mistaken in saying Mr. Doane would not be consecrated with the other Bishops elec. His wife had consented to remove from Boston.

Last evening I heard John Johns preach at Mr Eastburn’s ch. James C. Richmond Lead prayers, as he was ordained at Providence about a week since. The Greek fever is again upon him, & he is going to follow up his plan zealously. Miss Mullegan, Mrs Hill’s sister sails for Greece on Monday from this port, & this evening there is to be a Greek meeting at Mr. Eastburn’s Ch. Bp. Meade & others are to deliver addresses. I forgot to say that I dined yesterday with about 30 others at Bp. Onderdonk’s. Among the guests were [Clap] of Gardiner, Burroughs of [Portsmo], Edson, Thos. [Cor’t], Bronson of Vt, Ballard, DeLancey, Beach of Cheshire, Crocker & [Bristed] who inquired particularly after you. After dinner with Ballard I called at Mrs. Wells, but saw only one of my old scholars.

This morning the Convention principally with discussing the revised Psalms. The minority of the Committee on the resignation of Bp. C. Drs DeLancey & Lyell, & Mr Donaldson of Baltimore reported that a pastoral letter from the House of Bps be sent to the diocese of Ohio, requesting them to receive Bp. Chase, & that he be urged to return to his diocese, & that should reconciliation not place before the 1st of May next, the diocese then be permitted to elect a Bp. This whole will be taken next morning, after the sermon of Bp. White in behalf of the Gen. Miss. Soc. Resolutions were introduced to alter the Constitution so as to arrange the representation to the Gen. Con. according to the number of clergy in each diocese. It is proposed that every diocese be entitled to one clerical delegate, if the number of clergy in it be less than 8. In other dioceses, there will be one clerical delegate for every eight clergymen, & one lay for every 12 parishes. It is now about 2, & I am to dine at Dr. Milnor’s. You will ask when I am to return. Since I have come on to witness the consecration of the Bishops, I wish to remain till that has taken place, but I feel with you that I ought to be in Litchfield. I cannot now name the day when I shall leave, but as I intent to write to you every day you will have due notice when to expect me. My father says that [?] all [live] to another summer, & we do not visit him, he shall come to Litchfield. The weather is warm & pleasant. There has not yet been any frost in this city. The Lord be ever with you,

Prays your affectionate husband -

Letter to Mrs. Samuel Fuller Jr.



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