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Report of the minority of the committee on Bp. Chase's case
Bishop Chase, Philander Chase, William H. DeLancey, Thomas Lyell, Samuel J. Donaldson, Henry Anthon, General Convention, resignation, committee
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Report of the minority of the committee on Bp. Chase's case" (1832). Philander Chase Letters. 935.
Of the Minority of the Committee on BISOP CHASE’S Case.
“New-York, October 20, 1832.
“The Minority in the joint Committee on the subject of Bishop Chase’s rumored relinquishment of the Episcopal charge of the Diocese of Ohio, constituting one half of the Committee appointed by this House, concurring with the majority of the joint Committee in the general statement of facts reported to the Convention, but not concurring in the opinion expressed or implied in the said Report, bego leave respectfully to present their judgment on the matters brought before them in joint Committee.
The Minority oare of opinion that the adoption of the following resolutions will constitute the wisest and safest measures to be taken in the premises.
Resolved, The House of Bishops concurring, that in the opinion of this Convention, it is expedient that the House of Bishops should address a pastoral letter to the Diocese of Ohio, and a fraternal communication to the Right Rev. Philander Chase, with a view to healing the existing separation between Bishop Chase and the Diocese of Ohio.
Resolved, That until such a step shall have been taken, this Convention ought not to sanction, by any act, the existing separation of Bishop Chase from the Diocese of Ohio.
Resolved, That, as the Diocese of Ohio has been without Episcopal services since September 9th, 1831, and is at present destitute of the same, it is the opinion of this Convention, that unless the existing separation between Bishop Chase and the Diocese of Ohio, be settled by a reunion of the said parties before the first day of May next, the Standing Committtees of the different dioceses ought to sanction the election of any clergyman who may be elected to teh office of Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio, after that date.
Resolved, That any Canon passed by this Convention touching the subject of the resignation of Bishops, shall not be construed to apply to the existing separation of Bishop Chase from Ohio.
All which is respectfully submitted.
A true copy of the Report of the Minority of the Committee.
(Attest.) Henry Anthon [document cut off]