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Robinson claims that all of the statements he has made against Mr. West are true, while West's published statements contain falsehoods. He asks Chase to review the three pamphlets that he sends, so that he can respond with answers to any questions Chase may have. Robinson also provides a list of subscribers that he has called upon.
Mr. West, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Marriott, pamphlets, Liverpool, Dr. Badley, Richard Blacow, Manchester clergy, Mr. Turner, A. Campbell, R. P. Buddicom, T. Tattershall, R. Davies, A. Dawson, C. L. Swainson, Matson Vincent, John Jones, W. Tyrer, A. Knox, R. Wilson
Recommended Citation
Robinson, Mark, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1830). Philander Chase Letters. 874.
Liverpool 6 Nov. 1830
Very Revd. & Dear Sir;
I always think of you with the greatest esteem; and am sincerely sorry if my unfortunate acquaintance with, and subsequent exposure of Mr. West has given you any pain. How far I have been justified in what I have done I must leave you to determine. I confess I have not much fear for the result, and can truly say, and in the presence of that God before whom we shall all appear, that there is not one statement respecting Mr. West which to the best of my belief is not most strictly true. And I may say the same in behalf of my valued friend Mr. Atkinson. If we have fallen into any error in what we have published we are most ready & willing to be corrected, and will on such error being pointed out make Mr. West a suitable apology. If you will do me the favour of carefully reading the three pamphlets over which I herewith send, and put any question which you wish me to answer I will most readily answer it. I doubt not but you have read Mr. Marriott’s pamphlet, and I feel confident that you possess too much candour & piety to refuse me a fair hearing. I am at present in Liverpool seeking the means of reducing the Debt on our three chapels as well as attempting to carry into effect the plan which I had the honor of explaining to you at Dr. Badley’s in Hull, and afterwards in Beverly at my own house, and respecting which your hearty approval gave me so much pleasure and encouragement.
Since I came here I called on the Revd. Richd. Blacow, 2 St James’ Road. On first learning my name he refused to proceed in his enquiries, having read Mr. Marriott’s Pamphlet, and concluded that I was unworthy of notice. On my kindly reasoning with him however I convinced him that he ought not to condemn me unheard. He agreed to read my Pamphlet, and on my calling on him a few days after, he told me that he had read the whole of it, and was perfectly satisfied as to my character, and that if Mr. West should return to Liverpool he certainly should not take any part with him until he had met the statements made respecting him in my Pamphlet.
Had Mr. West in an hour of unwatchfulness, fallen into sin, for the commission of which he was truly [penetent], I hope I [should] have been one of the last to have made his conduct known, bearing in mind the Apostolic injunction in such cases. But when we have have [sic] witnessed his dishonorable proceedings time after time, and his attempting by the most barefaced falsehoods to sink my character with the Manchester Clergy, it seems a duty one owes to ones own character, as well as to the public to endeavour to counteract his wicked proceedings. Why has he published what he knew to be the most barefaced falsehoods respecting me & Mr. Atkinson, but that by [?] our character he may weaken the effect of our statements respecting him. I believe that most if not all the Clergy in this Town, as well as in Manchester, into whose Pulpits Mr. West was admitted when last in this Country, would not now admit him except Mr. Turner who is only in Deacon’s Orders, and yet presumes to give the Sacraments. Indeed I believe he is not now considered a regular Clergyman.
I am not without hope that we shall eventually succeed in the establishment of Church Methodism, which if we do, will I hope be of singular blessing to this country. So far I have had an opportunity of explaining it to the respectful Inhabitants of this place it seems well received. I have obtained the names of almost all the clergy here on whom I have called as Subscribers. As many of them are doubtless friends of yours it may not be uninteresting to you to know their names.
The Revd. A. Campbell, Rector.
The Revd. R. P. Buddicom.
The Revd. T. Tattershall.
The Revd. R. Davies.
The Revd. A. Dawson.
The Revd. C. L. Swainson.
The Revd. Matson Vincent.
The Revd. John Jones.
The Revd. W. Tyrer.
The Revd. A. Knox.
The Revd. R. Wilson.
Wishing you every blessing, and sincerely begging an interest in your prayers,
I remain,
With the greatest esteem,
Very Revd. & Dear Sir,
Yours in the best of [Bonds],
Mark Robinson
The Venerable & Revd. Philander Chase,
Bishop of Ohio.