"Letter to Rachael Denison" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase provides an update on how things are going in Gambier as he prepares to sell his farm. Mr. West arrived in England, Mr. Sparrow has been very sick, and Chase worries for his overworked wife. He also asks Rachael to have her husband send him the subscription he promised.




Mr. West, Mr. Sparrow, Fanny Chase, Philander Chase Jr., Mary Chase, George, James Chase, Lucia Russel, Sarah, Lord Goodwich, Mr. Canning


Worthington Ohio

12 Oct. 1827

Dear Sister Rachael

I send you the inclosed merely to let you know how we are getting on at Gambier. A good spirit begins to be stirred up here as well as in Engd. in our favour. Lord Goodwich has given us €100, you know he is the successor to Mr. [Canning].

Mr West had arrived in Eng. after a most frightful passage. The ship having sprung a leak only 3 days from the Port of NYork made 1 foot water every 15 minutes till they arrived at Liverpool. What a mercy that their faith failed not.

Your good son George is very well tho’ James Chase is complaining a little.

Mrs. Sparrow who has been confined with a premature parturition and has been very sick & dangerous is now mending slowly

I have come here only on a short visit and on my way to Columbus to advertise my farm for sale. My dear wife is most overcome with fatigue & watchings. The care of [60] in family had well nigh killed her before Fanny was taken sick. My sweet Babes do all they can to assist their poor sinking Mother. Philander the youngest born while I was in Engd. got up of himself this morning & made a fire in the stove. He is the most manly child I ever saw. His mind is quite mature. Mary is sitting by me; and [?] and my poor wife after setting up with sick Fanny send their love to you. We have all learned to love you. Lucia Russel & her good Daughter Sarah are our greatest comforts. O may we all all [sic] love the Lord Jesus Christ and go to heaven in a bunch together! Your husband in all. Tell him how I thank him for his liberal subscription. I want it Now tell him to send it me before I die. Our College is nearly two stories high now & we must go on. I will sacrifice every cent I have in the world but this great work shall go on. Do pray for your loving brother


Letter to Rachael Denison



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