"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase worries for his sick wife and laments at having left her. He recounts his recent arrival in Gambier and fills her in on some letters he has received, including news that his son George has had another daughter.




Philander Chase Jr., Dudley Chase, Mr. Banning, George Chase, Mr. Clay, William Sparrow, Mr. Wing, Corner stone sermon, Rev. Amos Baldwin, Olstead's Paper, Mr. Kip, Fanny Chase, Mrs. Douglas


Gambier 16 Oct. 1827.

My dear Wife:

I can’t sleep, [you] [know] in the latter part of the night by reason of my great anxieties, and they are not diminished, I’ll spare you since I left you in a sick bed yesterday morning. The horse which I rode on bespattered me with mud more than usual, so that I was wet the whole day. I arrived at Mount Vernon the [sun] one hour high, and after getting my mail from the P. Office and borrowing a horse from Mr. [Banning] I [set] my face towards Gambier.

The setting sun gilding the variegated woods with peculiar brilliancy as I rode to the [East] by its reflected rays from the beautiful landscape filled my eye where’er I turned my sight. The road was dry, hard, and good: not like the mud of Worthington, so that mounted on a sturdy horse and [pac]ing gently along I had full time for reflection. How constantly was my mind then turned on you, dear dear Sophia.

I had left you sick, very sick and was going from you. Dear [Sister] Fanny also sick and little Philander quite indisposed. Was this my desertion of you from my own inclination? No, nothing but the great duty of overseeing what God hath so miraculously put in to my hands to do could have persuaded me to do this. Even as it is I feel a pang which I can’t describe to you. Dear dear Wife, my eyes fill with tears when I think how I left you in sickness. But God’s will be done! My exile here is the result of this Submission.

On my arrival at G. I found the family all well. Dudley had done as I told him, copied one chapter in the bible every day. [Mrs.] Douglas never looked better. Would that you could this past summer have enjoyed this most healthy air!!

The mail mentioned which I brought in my pocket by the politeness of the Mt. Vernon P.M. consisted of one letter from Mr. Morse 1. from my son Geo. one from Mr. Clay and one from Mr. Kip inclosing Fanny’s letter (which I send to Mr. W. Sparrow.)

Mr. Morse says Mrs. Reed is doing right & that Mr. B (Rev. Amos Baldwin, rector at Zanesville) begins to flag in the peoples estimation. Mr. M. has published his Corner stone sermon. I am heartily glad of it: we will take some [then] [price] 12’ [for] unto each. Let Mr. Sparrow & Mr. Wing review it in Olstead’s Paper. The [public] expects te[n] times as much as we dumb folks say about our College. There is [literally] a hunger & thirst which we are too lazy or stupid to gratify.

My Son George has another Daughter. From the tenor of his letter I should suppose him greatly reformed and doing pretty well. And now Dear Wife having many more letters to write before day for I have risen as usual just after midnight to write & pray for you I must bid you Adieu!

Your most loving Husband P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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