
Sophia Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Mrs. Chase reports that, though Fanny is sick, her own health is very good. Gadfrey Swells is also sick. New boys have arrived in Worthington. Mrs. Douglas wants to know if her husband is coming.




Dr. Ward, Mr. Wing, Fanny Chase, Philander Chase Jr., Dr. Wetmore, Gadfrey Swells, Mrs. Douglas, medicine


Worthington 13th Nov 1827

My dear Husband

No mail has been in since yesterday week and we began to feel quite sick for letters, when your welcome letter of the 7th arrived. God grant your works escaped damage. There has been sad forbodings here we have had no rain since the 7th likely to raise the streams, except it might be that night. I have an idea it rained hard then. Your excellent letter from [Dr.] Ward is most [cheering], a gleam of sunshine in the storm. I shall wait with impatience to hear from you again as I suppose until the water falls it cannot be ascertained what damage is done. You were no doubt as surprised to see Mr. Wing without a letter from me. I did not know until he was mounting his horse that he expected to visit Gambier before he met Mr. [S.] there. Fanny is sick, and well, her health is not firmly established and she is still quite lame. Our dear Philr. has been somewhat ailing feverish at night though playful through the day. I have given him 2 doses of Physic and last night his f[ever] was very slight, he is very active today. G[a]dfrey [S]wells was taken sick the day you left us, and has kept his bed ever since. Dr. Wetmore attends him he has flashes of fever but nothing regular. The Dr. thinks his compl[exion] [?]. I cannot say I think him m[aterial]ly better, though we do not consider him dangerously ill.

The [Wastson] boys were sent here the day you left us, and we have been favored with one visit from the Parents who certainly will never set the [N] River a fire. The Boys profess to like the school much. I hope we may like them.

Mrs. Douglas professes to expect her Husband down for her in your team. I know not that you ever encouraged such an idea, but if he is coming let him set off immediately as she told the boys she would be ready the end of this week or else write decidedly that he can not come, so that Thomas may get ready.

My health is quite as good as ever, and my strength quite restored. For which I fear I am not as thankful as I should be. May God’s good Spirit be shed abroad in my heart and enable me to be more, and more grateful for all the mercies [given] me. Pray for me my dear Husband that my heart may be more sensible of the mercies of God and more devoted to his will.

ever your faithful wife

S M Chase

Letter to Philander Chase



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