
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase says he will not give money to St. John's Church (which he meant to give to the church at Beaver) until he knows that the church at Beaver has not fulfilled his conditions. He reports good news that the newly built dam has withheld a storm and also that Mr. West has been warmly received by lords and ladies in England and is soon to meet the Bishop of London.




St. John's Church, Beaver, dam, Miss Farnum, Duff Macfarlane, Mr. West, Bishop of London


12 Nov. Gambier

Kenyon College

Dear Nephew

I can not promise to give the money to St. John’s Church which I have promised to give the Church at Beaver in [Minn’] Co. till I know they have not fulfilled the conditions on which I promised it. These were that they enter [secures] in the name of the Church or in the name of the Seminary in [Trust] for them and build a long house with ten acres of cleared land on the premises. I think these were the conditions. Have they or have they not fulfilled them?

Good news I send unto thee. The Mill dam has stood out the storm and unexampled [?] safe and the [Rav.] is benefited in the saving of many hundred dollars worth of expense in the excavation. The water ran through the [rav] with such violence as to excavate in one night and a day more earth and [that] in the most desirable place than many hands could have done in one month. Yet the water running round our abutment on the south side in great quantities and with great violence did not injure us in the least. Is not this another [signal] miracle in favour of Kenyon College? Blessed be God He in mercy saves when there is no help. No one can tell what I suffered: but my suffering was for want of faith. And God has shown me my weakness & folly & glorified his name.

Miss [F]arnum from Boston one of our principal Benefactresses a second Miss Macfarlane has been here to view our progress in the good work. I trust she will give a good report. She goes on to visit her brother in Indiana and will return this way in the Spring. I think much of her piety.

Good news from Old England. Mr. West is caressed every where by Lords and Ladies. The Bishop of London had appointed a day to see him. This augurs well.

I can say no more but by my best love to Dear Rebecca and entreat you to kiss Mary a thousand times for her loving Grand Father

Phr. Chase

Rev. I. Morse

Letter to Intrepid Morse



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