
Philander Chase



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Chase praises his wife for dismissing a student who used profane language. He has distributed over 500 "Pleas" to potential subscribers in Boston and has had even more success here than in New York or Philadelphia.


Spring 3-29-1827


S.G.C., Mr. Sparrow, Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. Black, Mr. Clarke, Jack, Mr. Amos Lawrence, Mrs. Catherine Powel, Mr. Bartlett, Newbury Port, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Lt. Gov. Winthrop, Mr. Lloyd, Gardiner Green, "Pleas, " Mr. Price, Rev. Mr. Potter, Miss. Newtons, the Miss. Ross, Brother Kip, Mr. Greenleaf, Dorchester Heights, [Genesee] Wadsworth, “Jack” the Giant Killer


Boston 29 Mar 1827

My dear Wife:

I was made quite happy to day by the perusal of your most welcome letter of the 14 [?]. I think you have done just right in the case of the young man S. G. C. His profane language before the students was enough to make his room much better than his company. That he has been “used to such in his family” is, I think, quite incorrect; for no one among her acquaintance passes for a more pious woman than his mother; & his Father has been proverbial for his chaste & Christian language. I pity the young man, and am shocked at his conduct. Had he been told earlier of the inadmissiblity [sic] of his keeping company with the students while in the use of profane language Mr. Sparrow and yourself would conformed more strictly to the rule of duty & pleased me better. I hope before this reaches you that the young man sensible of his fault has left you & the family in peace & that you are all restored to your [?] [good] order.

Yesterday I dined in company with the Rev [Mister] Eaton & Black at Mr. Clarke the warden of Christ Ch. the evening was spent in incessant writing, you know not what a job it is. This morning I renewed my labour and the assistant [Leey] Jack (of scotch descent) employed in carrying round all day: a Mr. Amos Lawrence sent me $50 and Mrs. Catherine Powel 30$ -- to begin with.

This is pretty well [forgot] day after sending after receiving the “Pleas” -- Besides I heard this day that Mr. Bartlett of Newbury Port had begun to think of Kenyon College! I have written him a letter to stir up his mind on this subject. If God bless the work we shall do well.

Three of the greatest men in Boston called on me this day. [?] Lt. Gov. Winthrop the Hon. Mr. Lloyd and Gardiner Green. I was out & saw only the last named Gentleman. What they will do for Kenyon College I know not but it looks well - (their calling on me).

Dear Wife you have little idea of the extent of the attack which we are working here in Boston for Ken. College. It is far more extensive & better received than in NYork or Phila. I have gotten more used to this business; and God opens the door of more hope to me than in both those places. I should not be surprised to find that our N.E. subscriptions amt. to more than all at the south. But do not make any dependance on this. You know I am what the world calls sanguine in my expectation. Could this be sanctified into the higher principle of Faith and trust in God I should be vastly the [gainer]. God grant it may be!

I forgot to tell you that I am to preach in the stone Chapel next week. Don’t start as if I were about to become a Unitarian. I preach for the Rev. Mr. Eaton whose turn it is according to the terms mentioned in the Legacy of Mr. Price to officiate according to the worship & doctrine of the Church of Engd.

The Rev. Mr. Potter went with me to see the Miss. Newtons & the Miss. Ross. this day.

It is now past half after 11. Good night

31 Mar.

Yesterday was spent in handwriting and in visiting or rather returning the [call] of the great men Gov. Winthrop. Gardiner Green & [?] [?] James Lloyd. (I am to dine with the cast [?] [and] the Leut. Governor next wednesday). How [?] [we've] had a social meeting at Mr. [How] to day as we used to have them in England: between 20.8 This [?] [?] The cause of the West was the chief subject and I trust God is stirring up the hearts of the people in our favour. We shall not begin [?] the Subn. till the public minds is a little better informed. Already have we distributed above 500 “Pleas” -- are not yet thro. The subject (thus) is fully before many hundreds who might not otherwise have heard any thing or but a particular acct. of it. $100 is already sent in but of this I believe I mentioned the chief part before.

Brother Kip says that some little additions continue to be made still in NYork. All well on the 27. I dined yesterday at Mr. Greenleaf’s. The weather has been very pleasant, but now snows & Dorchester Heights look gloomy. It is now precisely 9 oclock AM: and I expect the call of the [Genesee] [Wadsworth] to talk about “mutual [?] in Kenyon College. He says this invention is in literature what the invention of machinery was to the man a factory of Woolen & Cotton.

1/29 My man Friday alias “Jack” the [Giant] Killer is gone out with a Basketful of appeals nicely done up for subscribers. Mr. Clark the warden of Cht. Church has also just been in [He] and a number more [over] engaged all last evening in finding NAMES to whom we might Lend the “Pleas’

I now once more commending you to God & begging your prayers I am happy in assuring you you of my hearts best love and unaltered affection. Your faithful Hus. P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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