"Letter to Rachel Denison" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Mary Chase's last words; updates on the two young Chase children; Chase is upset that Philander Jr. is going on an ill-advised trip.




Mary Chase; Dudley Chase; Almira; Mr. Evans; Canadian Indians; Philander Chase Jr.; Mrs. Fay; Dr. Delano; Mrs. Pool


Worthington Ohio July 7 1818

My dear Sister,

Your affectionate letter [?] [?] with me in my late bereavement, was rec.d a few days ago. I am not without hope indeed, in mourning for my dear Mary: her life though not faultless was uniformly an exemplification of sincere piety towards God and good will towards man: and as she lived even so she died. Her faith never for a moment left her. She knew on whom she had believed - even on Him who “shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” - and, after worms shall have destroyed our mortal bodies shall again raise them to immortal life and beauty. “O! Thou who once raised Lazarus from” “the tomb, raise me up at that last day” were her precise words and among the last she uttered. Blessed sainted spirit, thy pray will be heard: Jesus, as he thought of Lazarus and because he loved him, “went to wake him” - even so Jesus because he loved thy faith and piety, will think of thee, will come in his own good time and wake thee from thy long sleep and raise thee from thy cold bed. Even so come Lord Jesus.

The little babes my dear Mary left me are now sleeping sweetly by my side: Dudley in his crib-bed and Mary in the cradle. I hope risen early to take care of them, especially little mary while her Aunt Almira can get some sleep, after a fatiguing [night] in taking care of her. The dear little infant never has been well as [?] children. Tho’ a proper child she seems to inherit her mother’s last illness - to be of a tender constitution, perhaps too much so to afford good grounds to hope we can rear her. Yet we fondly hope: and lately there are, I think, more reasons to hope than at first. One thing is certain we have done all in our power to keep this last legacy of my loved Wife with us. For some times we had a wet nurse - but she having another child - (Tho’ nothing else to do and the whole services of Sister Almira at her control) did not answer our purpose. We discharged her; and following the advice of two of our best Physicians did not procure another; but depended entirely on bringing her up by hand, on a preparation of Cows milk. Since that she has certainly grown more than before. Almira, deeply, and for a time I feared inconsolably, afflicted by the death of her sister, has turned all the exertions of mind and body to the Babe. Tho’ formerly much given to sound sleep she now wakes at the least uneasiness of the Child and rises, with the alacrity of the tenderest of Mothers, to minister to her infantile wants. How good is God to train us by affliction to resemble Him in goodness!

Dudley is strong and hearty; perhaps more than any child we ever had. The company of Mr. evans’s sprightly children has led him out much into the sun and open air, so that he is as brown as Canadian Indian. Mentioning Mr. Evans’s family: Tell my much revered and loved mother-in-law Mrs. Fay that they are all well and so far [?] contended. Mr. E. works on my farm while his family for a while are in the same house with myself. It was consoling to my dear Wife in her last illness that Nancy was by her. I am building a small dwelling for them [...] if God permit be fitted for their [?]. [?] is engaged in business of very [?]. [?] terms with Dr. Delano. We have [...] expect he will do well.

As to myself, I have prayed to God most devoutly and constantly for grace to support the heavy afflictions which he has seen fit to lay upon me - In the death of my wife I experienced the divine assistance - but in the disappointment [?]ed by Philander’s unexpected and ill-advised project of going to [Russia] I feel but little Consolation. It might have been prevented had my friends for a moment reflected on my design of coming to this country and in the fulfilling of this design how much need I should have if Philander’s aid and service in regard bother to my temporal and spiritual concerns. If I had not been so communicative on this score, had they a right to suppose no such things existed. Were they proposing [?] in a matter where myself alone was concerned I had made sacrifices enough, it should be supposed, already in forgoing the society of my Children for their good, now to be [?] with a little of their company and assistance myself - especially in matters tending to the Glory of God in building up his Church in this western world. O my full heart! I can write no more about that my sheet is finished.

Your loving brother Philander

If God should see fit in his providence to permit appointment as Bishop elect for the Diocese of Ohio to be carried into effect by my consecration this Summer, it will probably take place in Philadelphia in all the month of September - may be in the beginning of that month. All as yet however is uncertain, as the Different Ecclesiastical Authorities have not been heard from.

P.S. Sister Almira desires to be affectionately remembered to you and Mrs. Pool. A letter filled with the kindest expressions from mrs. Pool came to hand the same time with yours. In answer to which pray let her read this letter to you and at the same time [?] her of my kindest remembrance and of my constant and fervent prayers for her.

Letter to Rachel Denison



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