"Letter to Philander Chase, Jr." by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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Wants Philander Jr. to delay his trip West because he plans to travel East. Chase has been elected Bishop during the convention of the Diocese of Ohio.




Diocese of Ohio; convention; Cyrus; Intrepid Morse; Dudley Chase; church; Chase to Bp. of Ohio


Worthington Ohio. June 6th 1818

My dear Son Philander,

It is my desire you wo.d delay your journey hither till you hear from me again. The reason of this request is that I expect, by divine permission, to be in the Atlantic States this fall, myself, and no consideration can make me forego the pleasure of your attendance on me while there.

You may be surprised at this sudden attention of my mind in regard to the speed with which I desired, you to hasten hither. But when I tell a plain tale your surprise will cease.

You may recollect from the minister of the convention of the Diocese of Ohio holden in Columbus in Jan. last, (which Minister I sent you) that [?] in 1st Wed.y in June (now four days ago) was this time appointed for their next meeting. This accordingly took place in much greater numbers and respectability of character than was ever this of. Contrary to all my expectations they determined at this time to proceed to the Election of a Bishop, being permitted so to do by permission in the 5th canon of the last Gov.t [?] passed for this very purpose. This determination they carried into effect and their choice fell on your Father however unworthy.

Their Election being unanimous and everything conduited with great harmony and all along preserving great regard to my feelings, there seemed in this as in most things relating to our instant Zion in the West the [?] of peculiar providence.

The election therefore was accepted on my part and the same Mail which carries this letter will carry the request of our Standing Committee to that of all the Dioceses in the [?] for their [?] to my conservation “during the recess of the Gen. Convention” according to the 5th Canon.

But such is the distance between this and the Committees addressed as necessarily induces the delay of two months at least and perhaps ten or eleven weeks before I could, even with no other impediments, start for the east.

About the 20th of Augt however I hope to be on my journey to see you. But where shall we meet? I know not for neither the certainty nor the time nor place of my conservation can be known - But I advertize you of what is pressing that you may not set off for this thro ignorance of my designs and thus the pleasure of your company [at my may stay] in East and on my journey hither be prevented.

Cyrus will in all probability accompany me to Phila. and perhaps return with us - We shall have then to me the most interesting retinue. My dear Son my dear Brother-in-law and my dear Nephew Intrepid Morse.

If God should please to lay no impediment to my Consecration could not you not prevail on Uncle Dudley to permit George to attend me, and have him in readiness for that purpose. And the thought strikes me with peculiar delight (if I could prove to speak it to him) would not Brother Dudley and Aunt Olivea be present? Oh how my poor afflicted heart would rejoice to see those who loved my dear sainted Mary witnessing that scene to [?] me for which she would have prayed so devoutly. - As it is - and be it as it may - so dear Son pray for me yourself - I need your prayers, and those of all who love me. You know I never be [?] much in professions of humility [?] you know also that I have no much soon left for them were I inclined to make them. But I can ask you to be often on your knees for me; that the Grace of God may make me in some small degree what I should be, a fit recipient of that Holy Treasure of Apostolic Authority which the Episcopal office implies.

I shall address this at Cambridge - and simultaneously shall mention you to Prime Ward and Swords in N. York and write to your Uncle Dudley Chase. So that some way or other you will get [?] information to effect the design.

Ever your loving father,

Phil. Chase

Mr. Evans is still with us, and his family - they will continue to live in this house will my return from the East when they’ll go into a small Tenement which I am erecting for them on my farm.

Your interesting Sister Mary is alive and I think gives good hopes that God may spare her precious life to me and you. All the tenderness that ever [?] in any infant is excited towards her. Your Aunt and Almira devotes her whole attention to her and succeeds, I think, better without a wet nurse than with one. May the Good God who hath seen fit to afflictions mercifully incline to bless the means which we use for the rearing of this dear Relick of your loved and [?] mother!

Letter to Philander Chase, Jr.



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