"Letter to Philander Chase" by Charolette Ward


Charolette Ward



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Charolette praises God for Chase's successes and asks him to do a special prayer.


Fall 9-22-1826


England, Christian


Rt. Rev. & dear Sir,

I cannot allow so many expressions of gratitude and respect to present themselves to your notice, without adding one more to the number. The message you were so good as to send for me in my sister’s letter, (for wh. I beg to express my grateful thanks) and your well known Christian kindness to all those who are desiring to be lambs of our blessed Redeemer’s fold, assure me that I may thus address you. Amidst the many great and important concerns which press around you, it would indeed appear astonishing that those who are “Babes in Christ,” are never forgotten by you, if it were not for that much more wonderful & most precious thought, that yr blessed Lord & Master [stooped] infinitely lower, and comes with a continual, watchful, tender love for those rebellious souls wh. are saved thro’ His precious blood shedding. We have truly rejoiced in the privilege granted us of seeing dearly that thro’ all the way wh. you have been led, it is the Lord our God who has been leading you. How compleatly [sic] may that beautiful [great] [?] be applied to all that we know of the life & history of one whose valued friendships we consider as one of the good gifts wh. we do prize, & ought to value chiefly as coming from our Heavenly Father’s Hand. I have one request to make to this dear and honoured friend, & it is, that after recieving [sic] these [lives], he will not forget to address to the [?] of Grace, a prayer that the writer may have more & more abundantly of the spirit wh. was in Christ Jesus, the spirit of meekness & love. & that of persevering diligence in running the race set before us in the gospel. Many who had the privilege of your conversation in England, bless God for it, may the number of those among whom is yr. ministry be exceedingly multiplied, who shall praise Him for it thro’ a blessed Eternity.

With the most sincere affection & respect, I remain, Rt. Rev. & dear [sir]

Yours ever most gratefully,

Charlotte Ward

Gt. Horkesley

Sept. 22d 1826

Letter to Philander Chase



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