"Letter to Philander Chase" by G.W. Marriott


G.W. Marriott



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Marriott writes Chase the contents of a letter recently sent from Dr. George Gaskin to Bishop White.






Dr. George Gaskin, Bishop White, Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Bishop of London, College in Ohio, Lord Kenyon


Queen Square 26th September


My dear and venerated Friend

I can hardly account for, much less justify, the not having written to you earlier. But perhaps if you knew, as the Omniscient does, the ceaseless routine of my occupations, you would at least not wonder at, or blame me. It is among the sweetest enjoyments of my life, and I believe of Lord Kenyon’s and very many others, to hear of your labors of love in the infant Church, and of the success God pleases to vouchsafe to you. Till I knew you, I was never well connected with the foreign interest of our blessed Redeemer’s cause. May I never neglect whatever opportunities my knowledge of you may afford of more widely promoting that cause on earth!

Yesterday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Wiggin and myself (the two young Ladies were not well enough to come out) drank tea with venerable Dr. Gaskin at his Rectory. Mrs. W. has never seen him or his house, and was delighted with both. We talked, read, and (as what follows will prove) wrote of you. Dr. G. has just finished (that Mr. W. might forward it) an Answer to a letter from Bishop White, written as an introduction to Dr. Jarvis of Boston, who is on his way here. I thought his Answer would please you, and I here insert it.

“My dear, honored, and venerable Bishop

Your letter dated Philadelphia, the 23rd of May ult:, and conveyed by the Reverend Dr Jarvis to Paris, I lately received from thence thro’ the hands of my beloved Son-in-law Mr. Parker. Dr. J. has not yet been in England, but I expect soon to see him, and with much pleasure, especially as he is so well spoken of by yourself, and by my friend the Bishop of Nova Scotia. It was particularly grateful to me to find that the good project, in which Bishop Chase has been very successfully embarked, has been approved by you, and that you anticipate much good to the Church by the establishment of his College in Ohio. Natures there could never reasonably be expected to resort to New York for education, which seems to have been the wish of Bishop Hobart. Oh! Bishop Hobart—how is he fallen! After he had been personally received in England in so favorable and flattering a manner, it is piteous and discreditable to him that he should have thought it expedient to address the people of New York in such a Discourse as he has thought fit to print, which, I know, was not approved by all his hearers, and which on the whole is not calculated to do him any good, or to do service to your Church, or with his little experience he is ill calculated to decide on the merits of our ecclesiastical Establishment.

I rejoice with you that, at your advanced age, you are still able to serve the Church, and I pray God long to continue that ability to you; assured that, thro’ the merits of our common Lord and Master, great will be your reward in that other and better world, to which we are hastening. I am 75 years of age, which, I am told, is much below yours; but I have nearly lost my sight, and have no prospect of being able to preach, or publicly officiate again. I pray for an increase of resignation, of penitence, and of faith, and I venture to ask your prayers to the same effect.

I remain, my dear and venerable Bishop, with every good wish, and cordiality for our Sister Church in America, your faithful and affectionate Son in Christ

Geo Gaskin.

Stoke Newington Parsonage

25th September 1826.”

Dr. G. desired you might be told, with his kindest love, that, but for his incapacity to write, he would write to you. I think he would delight to hear from you.

On the arrival of Bishop White’s letter, announcing his good will to the Seminary, Lord K. wrote to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, the Bishop of London and others. His letter to the Archbishop of C. I kept, and now send you a copy.

Dear Miss Macfarlane has been rendered very happy by your letter. Allow me to suggest the expediency of sending them, or any other, in future to the care of Lord K., taking pains to be within an ounce weight. He is always glad that his privilege is used in your service. Any letter, not strictly single, pays very heavy postage.

I was reading your letter to Lord Kenyon, in which you give in fullest detail your opinion of Bishop H’s Sermon to a Clergyman at [Breeon] in the presence of Bishop Burgess. The Clergyman said “those observations are rather severe.” The Bishop immediately answered “then you have not read the Sermon to which they apply.”

Letter to Philander Chase



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