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Chase tells his wife that there are a few people who do not support the plan to move the college to Knox County, but he hopes they will eventually be convinced. He also provides Sophia with instructions for planting seeds while he is gone.
Delaware, Berkshire, Knox County, Major Plumb, Judge Prince, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Little, Dr. Lambon, Mr. Davis, Mr. Monroe
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Sophia Chase" (1826). Philander Chase Letters. 613.
-1826. Sunbury 18th of April
My Dear Wife
I cannot let the post go tomorrow morning without say a few words to you. Tho’ I feel hardly able to bear the postage of my letter considering its insignificance.
After writing you the letter from Del. performing divine service and preaching twice in Sunday and on Monday morning writing a great deal I set my face towards Berkshire. Just before put my food in the stirrup I [cut off] Campbell whom I persuaded to subscribe to our Knox County plan 200 acres of land, which laying in the section next adjoining east of the Sem’y Section, I consider quite valuable.
The least I would take for it if it be finally deeded to us is five hundred ($500) Dollars.
To set off from this piece of good luck which God in mercy awarded us in coming to B– I found Maj’r Plumb & Judge Prince dead set against the Knox County plan as such because it would (in their opinion) divert the traveling from Berkshire to Sunbury and thus be no gain but rather an injury to their property!!! I preached there on this day at 11 o’clock and dined with the above Gentlemen at Mr Sheltons. I told them that such selfish withholding in a matter of so great consequence would be marked on the page of history by a stain which their children would blush to notice.
I came here about 6 o’clock and found Mr Myers and family quite well. He quite disapproves of the conduct of his brother in law the judge.
Perhaps these Berkshire friends may think better of it; but I seldom have had my opinion undergo such a sink in so short a time. God give them grace to think better of it.
I forgot to buy you any sugar while in Del. I hear that there is a man near Johnston who makes a great deal I will try to buy some and send you thence. I r’d 10$ from Mr Little and $10.75/100 from Dr Lambon one of the boys which I receipted & wish may be put to their Cr. on the books. With this money I intend your [chasing] you some sugar.
Mr. Davis is very good – I keep him almost constantly copying letters and papers for me when we stop: and this I conceive is the very best thing to correct his bad spelling and learn him to read writing. Never did a man need this kind of teaching more [cut off] he has, however, improved quite perceptibly – and, I trust, by the time of our return will be quite a Scribe.
I hope all things go on to your mind at home.
I hope something will be done in this neighbourhood.
19. Morning. Tell Mr Monroe to plant the slips or trimmings of the grafted apple trees (which he put into the run) in a moist bed in the garden at some side. Tell him to put them in the drill about 3 inches apart and a little slanting – They need not have more than six inches above ground and 8 inches beneath the soil [?]wise a little. If it should be dry let them be [?] thro’ the summer, & I have no doubt we can raise an abundance.
[?] Mr Davis will go up towards [Frerick] & then thro’ the country settlements in Knox County. May God ever bless you and all.
Faithful P. Chase