
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase describes progress with subscribers and with the plan to move the college to Knox County, he asks Morse to write to his friends frequently on his behalf as he is worried that if sufficient funds are not acquired in favor of the Knox County plan the college will not succeed.




Mr. Campbell, Knox County, Lutherans, Lancaster, Mr. Davis, Athens College, Dudley Woodbridge, Mr. Wells, St. Clairsville, Mr. Thompson, Zanesville, Mr. Fox, Rebecca Morse


Berkshire 18 April


Dear Nephew,

Yesterday a Mr Campbell in Delaware subscribed 200 acres in land towards aiding our plans in Knox County. The land lies in the section adjoining (east) the section on which the Institution is projected to be placed. This is very encouraging! I believe I have told you of the subscription made by the German Lutherans near Lancaster. Mr Davis one our pupils went among them and got a subscription of 105 dollars. What will the selfish, sectional, cold hearted part of our own community say to this? They are nearer Athens College than ours. Their farm will not be raised in immediate value by the Seminary’s going to Knox County nor by any roads created by such a measure. What then did influence these worthy Dutchmen? Was it a wish to do good to the general interests of Religion and learning and to encourage an Institution which bids fair to benefit the state & this western country by polishing the minds and manners & saving the souls of thousands perhaps millions? Dear honest Dutchmen! If these were your motives may you find many, many imitators among the more knowing Yankees especially among the members of our communion!!

Dudley Woodbridge’s subscriptions, being a presbytarian and a member of the board of Trustees of Athens College and living at the extremity of the state has set an example not only to the members of other denominations to lay and their sectarian prejudices but even to the Church people to come forward on the broad principle of duty to our Country to promote Religion & learning in these Western States.

I had appointed this day at 11 o’clock A.M. to hold service & preach in this village but it rains so hard that I fear we must give over the appointment.

One motive of this letter is to beg you to have the goodness to cause to be inserted in the newspapers generally the enclosed additional notice. I trust the first has appeared on this in the Gazettes.

I left my family on Saturday in good health. Mr Wells’ sons were getting on well in their learning & much beloved.

I depend on you under God to do much in the great work before us. St. Clairsville will do a good deal for us. Tell Mr Thompson I depend on his coming to the Convention. Bring the delegates from all the parishes that at Lexington became regularly incorporated is entitled to two: these & that of Little Beaver must come. Zanesville will not be for us see that they attend.

Mr Fox of Miss. wrote for authority to beg for our Institution even before he got my Circular or had any intimation of it.

Do write many letters to your friends and stir them up about this business. If the Convention thro want of exertion fail to agree on Knox County; We shall have no College and I think the money Colluded in England will never come into this state: we shall have found ourselves unworthy of such a benefit.

Do remember me most tenderly to Dear Rebecca – and give my most affectionate regards to Mr & Mrs Wells, and all who inquire after

Your most faithful & loving Brother

Phil’r Chase

Rev. I. Morse

Pres. this I keep no Copy and am always [?] [?]

Letter to Intrepid Morse



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