
Margaret Kenyon



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Margaret reminisces on Chase's visit with her family and discusses the development of her "Ohio garden."




Mr. Wiggin, Doctor Gaskin, Mr. Marriott, The Orbit, Mr. Ward


Hoy Lake

July 15, 1825

My ever revered & dear Sir,

At the risk of appearing intrusive on your valuable time, I cannot forbear writing you a few lines on this anniversary of one of the most gratifying days of my life, viz; that on which we had the privilege of being introduced to you at 21 Clayton Square, Liverpool, previous to your departure for America. To say what I felt at that interview, & what I feel as at this moment I recall it to mind, is impossible & tears almost fill my eyes when I recollect the solemn & affecting manner in which you committed me to divine protection with those most dear to me. Often do I repeat the well-remembered words of it with delight & comfort, & grateful recollection of him who so tenderly & proudly bestowed it. We have been this afternoon in a steam [?] to Liverpool, by way of retracing our steps this day to [?] and tho’ land & sea both now intervene between us & the revered individual whom we then beheld for the first & last time yet I am sure the remembrance of you is as strongly retained as it was in the first moments after our interview, & I believe I could repeat almost every word that there fell from your lips.

July 17. This is now the anniversary of the day when we [established] the Orbit slowly moving on its cause, & [carrying] you to far distant lands – which would have been even a more melancholy sight than it was, but for the hope of meeting you again, if not on earth, at least in “a better country, that is an heavenly.” But I cannot relinquish the thought, however apparently improbable, that England is again to be [blest] with your presence.

My Ohio house, as Papa has told you, is finished, & when I have furnished it with your print, & some Ohio papers &e, I shall often be in it, to think of you. I will endeavour to send you a representation of it when Papa writes next, it is made after a model Mr. Wiggin was so good as to give us, & I have had American plants set about it – they would be more interesting if they came from Ohio, from whence I hope I may receive some.

But I must not forget to say how delighted we have been at the reports of the glorious progress you are making in the work of God in the wilderness. What a spring this has been for the wilds of Ohio, such as they never knew before! What is the renovation of the fields [?] to that noble sight where almost literally all “the trees of the wood rejoined before the Lord” where the forest fell prostrate, happy to be instrumental to the [salvation] of millions yet unborn, who will bless the hour you set sail, & still more that of your happy return from England!

I had hoped before this time to have heard of the safe arrival of my little paper case in Ohio, which left England the beginning of February – I hope you have received it safe, as well as the prints of Oxford which I sent in April last.

There has been a vessel towed out of Liverpool today, as the Orbit was this day [?]. I am sure it is a New York packet, & shall be anxious to discover if it is the Orbit – If ever I go to America it shall be in no other ship, for in no other should I feel so safe as that which brought you to, & conveyed you from, our shores.

We half hope to see good Doctor Gaskin after we return home, he will almost fill my Ohio cottage. I have had it put near the bottom of a steep bank, by way of representing, in a humble manner, the Allegheny mountains! I shall be very busy arranging my Ohio papers when I return home, as I have got two large plant books for the purpose of holding them, & good Mr. Marriott supplied me with many valuable additions when we were in London. I am sorry to say we did not succeed in our wishes to see the Ohio Wards, as they did not visit London during our stay there.

I hope Mrs. Chase & all your family are well – especially my little Philander, as you say I lay claim to him. We were sorry to find you have been [?] yourself, my dear Bishop, by a letter Mr. Wiggin had received. Your health is so every way valuable, that I trust it will please God to preserve it for the benefit of all your children. I hope before winter you will be able to have some more [assistants] in your arduous ministry.

My dear Aunt, & my sisters & brother unite with me in affectionate & respectful regards & remembrances. I must now bid you farewell my ever revered & beloved Bishop Chase – & with every fervent prayer for your welfare, & that of your little Zion in the West, allow me to remain your ever grateful & affectionate humble servant,

Margaret Kenyon

Letter to Philander Chase



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