
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase expresses consolations and sympathies to Rebecca for the struggles she has experienced in her family. He provides other life updates, including his delight at his granddaughter's health, the illnesses that afflict his young son Henry, his hopes to hire servants, and plans for his next trip.


Summer 7-28-1825


Coshocton County, Worthington, Bezaleel, Dr. [Eppon], Niagara Falls, Henry, granddaughter, servants, North, Ashtabula, Boardman, Mr. McMillen


Worthington 28 of July


Dear Daughter Rebecca

On my return from a most [?] tour in the woods of Coshockton County your kind letter of June 28th was [shown] me. Your kindness, sweetness of temper, and patience manifested in all your trials, joined to your partiality for us your unworthy parents in Worthington affect me very deeply. It needed not, however, your letter to make me think of you and pray for you all. My mind’s eye was full of the very affecting scenes lately passed through, under your Father’s roof. I saw your dear & very interesting brother [Bezaleel] taken from you. I saw yours and your parent’s grief and I saw the very feeble health of your loved Father. And had I seen and been conscious of nothing else beside these scenes of human woe my love for you would have compelled me to sympathize with you beyond measure.

But I knew that you “knew in whom you had believed even in” One who has spoken in righteousness mighty to save;” and though He now sows in tears yet [shall] doubtless come again with joy and bring his [sheaves] with him.” -- The sure and certain hope of a resurrection unto eternal life, which the faithful have overcomes all evils [incident] to this perishing state; it exhorts the sting of death and deprives the grave of his dominion. And I am most happy to see by your letter that this hope is your consolation. Blessed be God that while as a Father he has smitten you, he hath given & still gives you grace to bear his chastisement with resignation. Cherish this grace Dear Rebecca, I beseech you. You will find in it a panacea “heal-all” to human sorrow.

I hope by this time your Dear Father has returned from his tour and that its effects are salutary. Dr. [Eppon] said he saw him at Niagara Falls & that he was so good as to remember me.

I rejoice to learn that my dear grand Daughter is well. Pray make her some how acquainted with me so that when I see her she may not altogether shun me. On my return last saturday I found Henry my dear little son had been very sick: even now he can scarcely move himself. -- Thank God there is good hope of his recovery.

The family is now increasing fast; and if our facilities of procuring “Help” (in bible language Servants) do not also increase we must soon stop the door to all future ingagements [sic].

Do you -- can you believe it we have not a [servant] in the house. My poor Dear Angel wife with her good Sister has to do all, for 18 or 20 persons. I must soon set off again on my missionary work & think it will be towards the North. I can not say when I shall be at Steubenville: I think however, it will be [?] return from Ashtabula & Boardman. whence I will try to send word [?] Sparrow whom I love & esteem more & more with Mr. McMillen another excellent teacher will conduct the school in my absence.

Pray mention me kindly to your loved Mother and all the Family.

Ever your loving Father

P. Chase

Worthington 7 Aug.

Mrs. Rebecca Chase


Jefferson County


Letter to Rebecca Morse



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