"Letter to Henry Clay" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase sends Clay a letter from Lord Gambier and invites him to the convention in Chillicothe on November 3rd.


Fall 10-14-1824


Lord Gambier, Lord Kenyon, Charles Hammond, United States Court, Theological Seminary, Chillicothe, England


Worthington, October 24, 1824

To Henry Clay

Very Dear Sir:

I have delayed, I fear, far beyond the proper period, forward-ing to you the inclosed letter from Lord Gambier. My apology is the very sincere wish I have all along entertained of a personal interview, on the subject of which I presumed the letter treated, namely, his lordship’s great regard for you, and the essential service of which your letter to him, proved me.

I wished also to see you (perhaps at the United States Court), that I might assign the reasons and obtain your pardon, for using your name as the umpire, in a certain deed of donation of my estate to the completed Theological Seminary, for the education of young men for the Christian ministry. As it is, I can only send you a copy of that instrument; and to it beg your favorable attention.

The meeting of our Convention takes place, in Chillicothe, on the 3 of November next. Nothing of the kind could give me more pleasure, than to see you there, if business of the great importance to posterity of or plans should so incline you.

Your very sincere friend, Charles Hammond, who has been of such essential service in the great work of the founding of this Seminary will be there, and, as I trust assist us with his most valuable advice. Pray communicate with him on the subject any thing which you think will do us good.

I take the liberty of sending you a letter addressed to Lord Kenyon, on the subject of my errand to England. Presuming you have seen what has preceded this, no apology is deemed necessary.

With most grateful [?]-- I am Very Dear Sir your faithful & sincere friend

PL. Chase

Letter to Henry Clay



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