
Philander Chase



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Chase apologizes for not being able to answer all of Davis's questions but updates him on the state of the institution.




Ohio Convention, England


To Dr. Davis

Worthington 15. Oct. 1824

Rev. Sir:

Your [?] of the 1st of last month reached me yesterday, at this place, and according to your request I hasten to give you all the answers at present in my power. I am sorry to say this is of necessity limited and to the subject matter of your inquiry, very unsatisfactory.

Our Institution is yet in Embrio [sic]. Our funds are still in England, and as yet quite small. The act of our incorporation not obtained, of the Legislature nor even the place fixed where it is to be.

The convention of the Diocese is, however, to meet this coming Nov. (3) when some progress in our plans is expected. In the mean time it gives me pleasure to hear of you and of your willingness to give us assistance: and, altho I can not give you, nor any one else, at present, any definitive answer, as to the substance of your letter, yet, I trust my assurances of good will and of my prayers for your happiness will not be unacceptable. I shall write to some of the gentlemen you mention; have no doubt of satisfactory answers. I am your faithful and obed. friend P. Chase

Letter to Dr. Davis



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