"Letter to Margaret Kenyon" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Poem for Margaret Kenyon about religion in old age


Summer 9-8-1824


Religion, Jehovah


Religion in [our] old age like the evening Sun, [remits] [perhaps] its splendour in some degree, but retains its magnitude - We can look at it more steadily”

Bishop Chase

See the evening Sun Descending,

Sinking to his golden bed,

Lovelier in departing radiance

Mild and chastened glory shed!

Still the same his size & splendor,

As at [noon] tide riding high,

Tho’ to us more faintly shining

We behold with [stradin] eye.

So Religious purer lustre

Shines with rays of blessedness,

On the hoary [Lead] “so glorious”

When in “ways of righteousness.”

Still from strength [to] strength proceeding,

To the only source of Light

In Faith, Hope, Charity, Victorious,

Gazing on the [people] [of] [bright].

Time at length shall land them safely

On the coast Eternity,

Where their Sun, The Lord [Jehovah]

Shines [he] ever gloriously.

Margaret Kenyon

Sept. [8]


Letter to Margaret Kenyon



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