"Letter to Philander Chase" by Miss Duff Macfarlane



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


If it does not inconvenience him, Miss Macfarlane requests that Bishop Chase visit her while in London. She has received a letter from Sophia Chase, and would like to purchase some presents for her.




London, England


London, Sophia Chase, presents, England Voyage


14 Tavistock Square

Tuesday Morng

Right Revd & Dear Sir

Altho’ I would not on any account encroach on a moment of your time that may be better usefully employed, I would not if I could lose any opportunity of having a little of your conversation, and as you seemed to think you might be able to call here this morning I write to say that should it be convenient & lie in your way to any place you may be going to, that it is not above five minutes walk beyond Mr. Marriott’s and that the bearer can attend you. My friend & I are obliged to go out soon after eleven this morning. I send two copies of the little Tract you wished for.

I wish too to say how very much I feel obliged by your interesting Mrs. Chase’s letter to me. I shall copy out the parts of it for Lady Rosse—and Mr. Morse’s—and leave all myself at Mr. Marriott’s for your Revd tomorrow. I must not trespass on your time. My friend begs & offers his respectful regards with mine. I am Rt Revd Dear Sir

with the greatest esteem

Most faithfully yrs

Duff Macfarlane

Do not think it necessary to write should you not be able to call. I expect to be in Town in about three weeks to get the things for Mrs. Chase which will be so great a pleasure to me. I shall be more at Mr. Marriott’s. Now I here been now shall hope to see more of [?]

Letter to Philander Chase



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