"Letter to Philander Chase" by J W. Brooks


J W. Brooks



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


JW Brooks affirms that Mr. Cockren would do anything in the service of the Lord. If Cockren would be so disposed to interview with and then serve Bp. Chase, JW Brooks requests that Bp. Chase tell him his travel plans near Retford.




Retford, England


J W Brooks, Mr. Cockren, Retford, England Voyage


Retford 10th June 1824

Dear Sir

I was duly favored with your letter of the first inst, in reply to mine concerning Mr. Cockren. With regard to the spirit of himself & wife, I have no doubt of his being ready to spend & be spent in the service of our Lord; and that he will be content in any situation where he can promote the welfare of the kingdom of Christ: this I believe I stated in my former letter. All I know of his wife is, that she has the reputation of being an active and a pious young woman; & one who is ready to cheerfully second whatsoever her husband may deem calculated to advance the Redeemers kingdom: but I have never seen her, & therefore cannot speak from my own observation.

I have nove to request that you will have the goodness to state, what will be required of Mr. Cockren, according to the Canons of the American Church, before he can receive ordination; and in what way he will be enabled to make himself useful whilst preparing. I have no doubt bt I could raise sufficient to pay his passage out, if he ultimately determines on going; and in the mean while, waiting your reply, & praying the blessing of God upon your objet and proceedings, I remain

Dear Sir

Very faithfully & obed. Yrs.

JW Brooks

Have the goodness also to state whether you are likely to approach Retford in the course of your travels; or at least, where will be the nearest point for Mr C. to obtain an interview, should he be so disposed.

Letter to Philander Chase



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