"Letter to Philander Chase" by George Marriott


George Marriott



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Marriott is sending Chase a copy of the letter he wrote to Mr Ward




London, England


Mr Ward, Great Horkesley, England Voyage, Lord Kenyon, Oxford University, Lord Gambier, Cambridge University


Inner Temple

2nd June

Reverend Sir

By what was shewn to me yesterday Evening, after my letter had been sent to the Post, I might have concluded that this further communication to you was unnecessary. But as it also appeared that a letter had been intended by you for myself, I beg to acknowledge your great kindness, and to say what sincere pleasure I must have in accepting your invitation, especially at such a time. I understand Lord Kenyon has promised that we shall be with you at five o’clock. I can truly add that his Lordship may be depended upon for such promises, as well as more important ones.

I am extremely sorry that some violent spirit has introduced into that respectable Review the British Critic an Article, which betrays a degree of ignorance quite culpable, if not a perverseness of mind, in the writer, on the subject of Bishop Chase’s measure. It speaks of it as “bearing the image and superscription of Lord Gambier” only, without an allusion to those who precede and follow him, and are equally on the face of the Coin. It speaks of the plan as an attempt “to exchange episcopalian Clergymen for Methodist Preachers” that “if Bishop C. had meant to establish his orthodoxy, his Seminary would have been connected with New York”—that “he has forgotten the Church and the Priesthood,” and wants to act on “unknown principles”—Lord Kenyon says it ought to be answered by a simple half-sheet with two Columns, (the one citing the extract from the Constitution—deed of November last) and shewing that the writer could not have read that which he writes against, while he modestly calls all the subscribers (including five Bishops, three Deans, several of the Nobility, the whole Collegiate Church of Manchester) “deluded man.” And the whole Article is said to have been written from a desire to preserve the unity of the Church

By accounts from Oxford it appears that some Colleges support Bishop Chase from the College funds, as well Individuals. He is not yet returned from Cambridge, where he this day dines with the Vice-Chancellor. In a letter from the Bishop of Chester to myself, dated 31st ult, his Lordship says “I have mentioned Bishop Chase and my wishes respecting him both at Liverpool and Manchester, and I hope I have done him good—but I find that unwearied exertions have been made to pre-occupy the public mind against him. It is thought that he is opposing Bishop Hobart and the regular authorities.” What a complete refutation the Statement by the Trustees gives to this objection! My humble opinion is that the more the matter is investigated, the more it will appear that the measure is entitled to support from the opulent friends of our Church, and it has already met with so much, that I cannot doubt the whole sum wanted will be obtained.

Queen-Sq. 5 P.M.

2nd June

My dear Friend

I had got thus far in a letter to Mr Ward of Great Horkesley, when I had reasons for not sending it, which I will explain when we meet. I meant to have sent you much of the intelligence it contains, and therefore sent it to save myself re-writing. I think an abundant supply of Statements should be sent to Manchester and Liverpool. I hope you will breakfast here on Friday morning at eight, and meet good Lord Kenyon. I am ever affectionately yours


Letter to Philander Chase



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