"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase is sending updates to his wife and expresses his homesickness




London, England


Chase's copy, England voyage, George Marriott, Miss Duff Macfarlane, St. Andrews, Cambridge, Lady Rosse


My Dear Wife

I inclose you a newspaper set forth by the Trustees of the Ohio Fund. This to meet the objections of Mr. Onderdonk, so far as they could be met without controversy. I pray that the endeavour may be attended with God’s blessing.

Today I dine at the Rec. of St. Andrews with Lord Lifford and others. Tomorrow if God permit I shall go to Cambridge.

The examination of the Centre School took place this day — Mr. Marriott & Miss Duff Macfarlane accompanied me to it. I was much pleased.

Lady Rosse has given another £60 for some purpose of assisting the Church in Ohio.

My own health is good, very good, thro’ much mercy: but were it not my duty to remain here I should now be dying with homesick.

Long easterly winds keep your letters from arriving; and I am almost in despair of seeing you till fall.

Keep the Children and bless them for their loving Father. Most sincerely do I pray for you!

P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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