"Letter to Philander Chase" by James Dallin


James Dallin



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Dallin expresses his sympathy for Chase regarding the loss of his son and discusses the progress of business in England..






Chase's copy, England voyage, Mr. Gray, Bp. Bowen, Philander Chase Jr., seminary, Mr. Simeon, Mr. Forrest, faith, subscription


Copy of Mr. Dallins letter

“Rudston near Bridlington

May 13th: 1824

“Rt. Rev. & very Dear Sir

“I think myself much obliged & honoured by your letter of the 18th. [?] containing the copy of Bishop Bowen’s very letter respecting the death of your Son: both of which have been very interesting to me and all your friends in York. As a part of your letter related to our most excellent friend Mr. Grayson I put both into his hands; and as he expressed an intention of writing to you, I delayed my reply till my arrival at this place, where I shall stay till Thursday next week. Having just arrived I sit down immediately to take the first opportunity my leisure affords to express, as is always most grateful to me my regard and respect for you, and the sense I entertain of the bereavement with which it has pleased Almighty God to visit you.

Your loss is to appearance very great. To have had the assistance of such a son, as has been taken from you in the extensive plans which you have formed for your diocese would have, no doubt much facilitated their execution. But we should remember in faith and patience, that Almighty God has his own ways of accomplishing the designs which he puts into the hearts of his servants to undertake for his name; and then, ordinarily most effectually promotes them, when all outward things obstruct, for the present, their execution. This we know from history sacred and profane, & have witnessed in the ways of Providence in our own age. And I can not but hope that the present painful visitation, so unpromising at the present, may turn out to the furtherance of The Gospel in the country to the Spiritual good of which you have devoted all the energies and means which you possess. There is one labourer less in your part of Christ’s vineyard; but how know we that other labourers may not spring up, as it were, from his Ashes, [ensiled] by the example of his faith; and that your present Clergy may be cheered and invigorated by it to abound in the work of the Lord. To them it must be a subject of most grateful contemplation, & to true Christians in general, & others to whom your most excellent son was known his death may preach more powerfully than he could have done by the most fervent discourses. Some Christians are appointed to glorify and serve God by the leaves some by their deaths. Bishop Bowen writes “to us all it has been a most interesting & instructive scene”. But in whatever way it may be, I doubt not of God’s accompanying your endeavours with his blessings; indeed he is doing it; and I hope and trust and pray that he will continue to enlarge [sic] his goodness to you. You may feel beset[?] and in a wilderness for the present; but the divine presence & blessing will do more for your comfort than the company of the best of sons. The temptations to which you now feel yourself more than ever exposed, that aid will enable you to resist, and the trials & sufferings of life it will enable you to sustain. How reviving is the recollection of the Prophets description of the goodness of God in past ages, now no doubt extend to his faithful servants. “In all their affliction he was afflicted; and the angel of his presence saved them;In his love & in his pit he redeemed them” In the consolations of the word of God before us, how confidently may we expect he will “deliver his spiritual Israel from all their troubles” Even viewed under existing circumstances your situation affords abundant ground for hope and comfort; but if your son’s death be viewed on his own acct. How greatly may your consolations abound! To the son who red. From you the image of the first Adam, you have been under God the means of communicating the new Man which after God is created in righteousness and & has holiness. Christ was formed in him the hope of glory. It has pleased God to take him early to his rest, to the enjoyment of himself in a blessed eternity. Who can wish him back again in this vale of tears? It is the consummation of our hopes with regard to others as well as ourselves that they so pass thro’ things temporal as finally to attain things eternal. We must therefore thank God for all who have died in his faith & fear; and with regard to the increase of care or trial which their separation [?] “cast all our care upon Him, for he careth for us” & thus trusting in his goodness, shall find crooked things made straight & rough places [plain] before us; for which we shall rejoice and praise God, when with all the redeemed from every kindred and tongue & nation we assemble before his throne to dwell with him forever.

I should have been glad to fill this sheet with the interesting and grateful reflections which the contents of your last kind fervour to me has given rise to: but I must reserve a portion for some points connected with the object of your visit to this country, and leave the thoughts with which my mind feels crowded to some future opportunity, if upon reflection I think them worth your perusal amidst the millitude of cares which you have to attend to. In the last Christian Observer I perceive that our Arch Bishops have given you their countenance & promised you their assistance, and that other Bishops are following their example; this is one of the great points gained which caused your anxiety; and the remaining one will probably follow as it consequence a sufficient amount of contributions for the establishment of your Diocesan Seminary. The subscription in York is not yet quite eloped. Mr. Vernon (last week) subscribed five guineas; he is one of our Residentiaries & a Son of the Arch Bishop: you will perhaps remember him. Next week, on my return, or the week after I will see a friend a few miles from York, who has not yet been applied to, and will, I think, [favour] your good design.

I hope the subscription is going as well in London when you have leisure, I shall have pleasure in being informed of its probable amount as you can not perhaps speak with certainty, at present. I think I stated sometime back that I think there are persons in Shiff[?] likely to favor your plans. If there be any danger of the [contributions] falling short be so good as to inform me whether any [exactions] have been made on your [acct.] in that place. I hope that Mr. Simeon or some other like minded person has taken up your cause at Cambridge. I also in one of my former letters suggested the [pleasure] [?] [about getting the articles [because] the American [Ch.] [imported] in the contemplated prayer book.] [and then about Mr. Forrest the [?] of the Minister [losing] his wife, on which he says “Thus as years [pass] [our] kind friends a taken away & remind us how soon we must leave this state of probation, & how vain it is to be immoderately concerned for their departure when we are shortly together.

I must beg you indulgence for this [hasty] letter. It [expresses] my sincere feelings & the intent I take in whatever concerns you. I return to York next Thursday [?] be worth a reply & shall be much gratified by one at your first convenience & remain very dear Sir with esteem James Dallin.”

Letter to Philander Chase



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