"Letter to Lord Kenyon" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase is writing about his love for God because he is so excited about his recent success.




Lord Kenyon, Dr. Gaskin, sermon, England Voyage, Rev. J. Dallin



To my Dear Lord Kenyon

Very Dear and Good Lord:

I beg the favour of a frank for the inclosed to the Rev. J. Dallin of York Minster York , in one or two covers as your Lordship knows best.

My trust in the power, wisdom, and goodness of Divine Providence is as great and unabated in influence, as ever. Nothing happens without God’s permission and cognizance; and though evil and sin are in the world, and abound, yet even the wrath of man are made, in the event, to praise God, and the remainder doth He restrain. To wait this event, to tarry the Lord’s leisure is the great lesson which, through life, we have to learn a lesson which, however plain when first proposed, is the most difficult to practise of all others. “They will be done O God,” contains all true divinity. It is the [?] in [?]. It is the ligature that connects the creature with the Creator. It is the rope which attaches us, while in the [frail] [bark] of human wishes, to the Rock of Ages: we may be tossed to and fro on the tempestuous ocean of this troublesome world; yet if we draw dutifully and constantly--without weariness and painting on this cord of submission, God will prove our Salvation at last. Tho’ He, who is immovable, the same yesterday today and forever, is not, can not be, moved by our prayers, yet what differs it who is moved, man or God? The boat or the rock? If the former by [drawing] is brought near the latter, and Salvation is the happy [remnant], what doth it signify who were moved? Let my prayers, therefore, bind me draw me to thee, O God of my Salvation, thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord!

I did not mean to write a sermon, when I began this. To your Lordship I need not apologize: my heart is full by reason of recent events. I think with Dear Dr Gaskin “now if ever I need the full benefit of our Holy faith. Trust in God and submission, come what will, to his good pleasure.”

Ever gratefully and faithfully Your Lordships humble friend

Philander Chase

19 May 1824

I hope to spend next Sunday with him.

Letter to Lord Kenyon



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