"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Bishop Chase inquires about the state of his wife. He updates her on Lord Kenyon and Dr. Gaskin's campaign to restore the image of himself in England.




England, Timothy Wiggin, Dudley Chase, Mr. Norris, Lord Kenyon, Lord Gambier, Josiah Pratt, George Marriot, Lady Rosse, Cambridge, George Chase, Kingston, NY


London May 20th 1824

My Dear Wife,

Yesterday, Mr. Wiggin left me with his Daughter Eliza for Manchester. He took took with him two pounds of letters for you; and you would (did you not know my love for you) think it strange that I write another by the same [?]. The fact is I want to talk to you more than the multiplicity of my cares lately would permit — This letter than is to be more as if we were in each others presence when no eye sees us but our own and God’s. Well then Dear most beloved best of wives! How are you? How doth the Good God support you under your pains and anxieties? Do you keep up courage? This will reach you about that time which is of all others most interesting & heart-searching of any in a mother’s life. May the angel of God’s presence be with you in these trying moments! Would that your loving Husband were made as in [?] of comfort to you then when you need it most! But this is denied me. I am shut up and confined to my duty more closely than slave: And yet I would not call it “slavery.” For I serve a kind Master who condescended once to be a child & now stoops to call us brethren. In his service there is perfect freedom. I certainly feel more & more resigned to God’s will whatever that may be, than ever. If i were not that He gives me grace to bear the load I certainly could not for a moment sustain myself in my present absence from you and the dear Children.

You say that [Henry] asks for me and Dudley begs you to write to me and to desire I would come home. Would — I would I could obey this tender call. Kiss the dear Boys for a weeping Father. When I shall see them again God only knows. My affairs wear a gloomy aspect now. The Pamphlet from N. York has done much harm. Mr. Norris has spread it among all the Bishops and thro’ out the land far and near.

However, I am not yet quite [deserted]. Lord Kenyon and Dr. Gaskin are my fast friends and together with Mr. Pratt & Mr. Marriott they have this day concluded on what to publish. It avoids as I weighed it, all recrimination; but comes forward bold in my favour and urges the importance of my cause in the face of all — It will be soon printed; and as soon as it shall have been a little circulated I hope the subscriptions will go on as [?]. Lady Rosse continues her bounty. I have heard today of another 50£ which she has sent to Miss Macfarlane for me. Soon, I think in the beginning of next week shall go Cambridge. THey are ready to receive me.

Since writing the above I have been to Mr. Marriott’s. The are kind to me beyond measure. I met there a Welch Clergyman Mr. Roberts & his wife. They feel much interested in what I told them of the [?] people in Ohio. Something he thinks may be done in the way of getting me a Welch Clergyman for those who hitherto have been destitute of the Ordinances.

I shall go tomorrow if God permit with Lord Kenyon to visit the National Schools. But wherever I go my prayers are constantly offered for you and the dear objects at Kingston. Give my most dutiful love to dear Mother and mention me most respectfully to Mr. Gorman. Tell T[?] that I have a secret hope she will accompany us to Ohio. Pray is Eliza married to that good Dr T[?] I [?]? Brother George & his wife I hope will have a little more patience to bear with my noisy children. I know not how to reward them for their kindness. But will try by my grateful remembrance.


P. Chase

Friday May 21, 1824. London

According to appointment I breakfasted with Lord Kenyon at Mr. Marriott’s this morning. Mr. M. read my letter in answer to Lady Rosse. She takes a why — Mr. Marriott has written a letter to Joshua Watson the friend of Mr. Norris and my Enemy. It was tempetrate just pertinent and to any but the willfully prejudiced [?]. God alone can give it effect.

Lord Kenyon is more & more enlisted in the Ohio cause. He thinks there is much foul play. “I wish” said he “I could see them, whom I have been in habits of thinking my own and the Church’s friends act honestly. But I [?] sorry to say this is not the case” and with much firmness he added that “he tell the [Opponents] of the Ohio cause that [they] were not only acting against good faith but that they were persecuting an innocent man.” When this will end I cannot tell one thing is sure whatever abuse is poured out against me, I will not recriminate in England: and I think not even in my own country. Life is too short to be spent in disputes. Eternity too important to be hazzarded by an Episcopal controversy. God give me patience & a forgiving spirit, thro Jesus Christ our Lord. With this prayer I am your constant Husband.

P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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