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Very grateful letter to Lord Kenyon for his support and introduction to new supporters.
London, England
Chase's copy, England voyage, George Marriott, Reverend William Jones, Reverend Wheaton, Dr. Gaskin
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Lord Kenyon" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 312.
10 Featherstone Buildings, Holburn
12 Apr 1824
My Lord:
Few things through the course of my life have gratified me more than the kind attention shown me while at Mr. Marriotts, and especially in the good letter of the 7th [?] addressed to me, by your Lordship
What Mr Marriott observed of the predilection ever entertained by me in favour of the Admirers of the late Rev. Wm. Jones of Nayland I own as verified in my hearts best feelings. No man who loves this learned & pious author can be indifferent to me: and when told that your Lordship was his pupil both loving and beloved by him, it is not surprising that I should lay aside all other recommendations and give full scope to esteem and veneration.
There is a picture of this good man in the Anti-Jacobin Review which in its better days, because it spoke well of this same Mr. Jones, I used to read. This picture is as much now [fore] my mind’s eye as is visible to my natural eyes. He is sitting in an old fashioned humble chair reading his book which is before him: has a wig on and his underlip seems to separate from the upper as if speaking out in approbation of the text or making some of his more [?] remarks. Believe me, My Lord, the image of this dear man was scarcely for a moment absent from me whenever I looked on your Lordship at Mr M’s and when I heard you say to Mr Wheaton that you knew of no sentiment of Mr Jones of Nayland which you would not venture to defend, I should have been most happy could I have shown what was [hap’ning] in my mind: but that was impossible.
Your Lordship is pleased after a full investigation to approbate the measure of my coming to Engl’d to get funds to found a school for the education of young men for the ministry in the Espiscopal Church of Ohio. I thank your Lordship especially as the subscription of 20£ to the accomplishment of it proves to be sincere.
Through the kindest of our mutual friend G.W. Marriott Esq’r I became acquainted with another of your Lordships warm friends the Rev. Doc’t Gaskin. I need not tell how sincere is any veneration of this gentleman also: for he too is of the same school. We went early and staid late. Sweet were the hours I past with him; and like all things which deserve the name of happiness here below, they passed too quickly away. But they left behind a something which Christian friends only know how to appreciate: The parsonage of Stoke Newington will never be forgotten by me. During the remainder of my short voyage thro this life its remembrance will be cherished as that if an island amidst a [Frackless], vast, and boisterous ocean. Its name in my notebook is peace. When I think of the congregation around I see Lambs feeding on green pastures a shepard is in at home and they repose in tranquility.
For your Lordships proffered civilities I cannot do justice to my feelings of grateful returns. That of being honored by your Lordship with [?] is most respectfully [?] by cherished introduction to your Noble Father. A town [into] Wales is in contemplation of which at present our worthy Friend Mr Marriott can give more particulars than myself.
Wherever I go, I beg [leaves] to be considered as offering a never ceasing prayer for your [temporal] and eternal happiness; & always as your Lordship’s
Most faithful Friend & [Humble] Servant
Ph. Chase