"Fragment of Letter to Philander Chase" by Duff Macfarlane


Duff Macfarlane



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Duff is sharing his high opinion of Marriott and planning a meeting with Chase.




London, England


(fragment), England voyage, George Marriott


sides being I hope of real benefit to me — and seeing it as I do to Mr. Marriott is particularly satisfactory to me — I have had the happiness of knowing several very excellent people — but I do not think any person exceeding Mr. Marriott in all that is most truly estimable, but I need not tell you so Dear Sir, altho’ I cannot mention him without bearing my little testimony to his worth — should it suit your Rev’re to come to the Friends house there I propose going on Thursday Evening, I may name any time most convenient to you — to tea on Thursday — or Friday any time after Evening [?] to breechfort on Saturday, or any hour till 3 o’clock — I am sorry it is a distant part of the town — I s’d send a servant to show the way should you have any time — I require to apologise for this very long note but I shall trust to your kindness to excuse it of begging your blessing remain with the most sincere respect & regard Right Rev’d

Dear Sir truely & faithfully yours

Duff Macfarlane

I should have said how much pleased I am at your thinking as you do of Mr. [Roger]’s discourse. I hope you may see & know him at Bath. The [widow] of my dearest Brother who [was] a Clergyman knows him intimately. [?] I shall [?] your opinion of the discourse.

17 New Gremond St. Tuesday Even’g April 13 1824

Fragment of Letter to Philander Chase



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