
E.B. Shaw



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Shaw gives a list of the names of pious men Chase will meet in his travels to the North of England.






England voyage, Cambridge, Dr. Godfrey, Queen's College, Reverend Thursby, Reverend Scott, Reverend Miles Jackson, Mr. Simeon, Mr. Dykes, Reverend Feaweet


Most Revd and Dr Sir,

In compliance with your wishes, I will endeavour to give such [directions] as I hope, under God, will be of use to you, in your travels. After you leave Lutterworth, it will be the best to proceed to Northampton where you will become acquainted with the Revd J. Thursby - Vicar of All Saints, to whom I have written by you. From Northampton, I know not, whether there are any Towns worth your notice, till you get to Cambridge: if there are, Mr. Thursby will inform you. In Cambridge, it will be advisable to be introduced to the Heads of Colleges generally, but I should think especially to the Bishop of Bristol, Master of Christ’s College, and also to Dr. Godfrey, the President of Queen’s College; both good and pious Men. Mr. Simeon, no doubt, will introduce you to these Gentlemen, and also to Professor [?] and Professor Lee.

When you visit the North of England and arrive at York, you will become acquainted with the Archbishop, who is an amicable and good Man: of the Clergy, Mr. Graham and Mr. Richardson are both good Men. It will be ell also to procure an introduction to Mr. Gray of that City, a pious Man, and of note in the Christian World. In Leeds, the Revd Mr. Feaweet is Vicar; but you must not forget to obtain an introduction to the Revd Miles Jackson, Minister of St. Paul’s. In Halifax, the Revd [S] Knight is Vicar, and a good Man. Should you visit this place, I shall be happy to give you the Meeting; and from here, I would accompany you to Huddersfield, where the Church is less divided than in any other place I know of. From Huddersfield, it will be your best plan to proceed to Sheffield, where, I feel confident, the Clergy will receive you with gladness and joy and render you every assistance in their power. I know not of any other place in Yorkshire, except Hull which is of great importance. In this place, you will meet with the Revd J. Scott, Son of Scott the [Commentator] of the Revd Mr. Dykes, who both will further your object.

I believe this is all the information I can give. I hope it will be of service to you. In Manchester, we will do what we can in a pecuniary point of view; and we will not cease to supplicate the Father of Jesus Christ, that the Angel of his presence may go before you to sanctify and bless you in all you undertake for the glory of his Name, till you shall have fulfilled your Ministry, and have done the Work which he designed you to perform. I hope you will excuse the familiarity with which I here write, and believe me to be with the devoutest prayers for your happiness.

My dear Sir,

Your’s most respectfully and faithfully

E. B. Shaw

St. Stephen’s Salford

Jan. 30th 1824

Letter to Philander Chase



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