"Letter to Philander Chase" by Timothy Wiggin


Timothy Wiggin



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Wiggin awaits for an answer from the Warden. He hopes Chase will become friends with Dr. Gaskin.






England voyage, George Marriott, the Warden, Dr. Gaskin, Lord Kenyon


Manchester Jany 31 1824

Dear Sir

I inclose two letters recd this morning which I opened, knowing they related to the cause I am anxious to promote, I was much gratified with Mr. Marriott’s letter, and its contents being known to me will be useful. I wrote a note to day to the Warden, and hope soon to have his answer - I notice what Mr. Marriott says of Dr. Gaskin, and I think he will become your friend while you are in town, and that this accession of strength will help us here - I believe Lord Kenyon is considered an Evangelical. I believe all your things, at least all you will want of them, will be found in your [triumph]. I found the 5 pounds note and have put the gold into my Desk. With best wishes I remain Dear yours sincerely

T. Wiggin

Letter to Philander Chase



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