
Philander Chase



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Chase's expression of thanks for the kindness Gambier has shown him, and thanksgiving to God. Wiggin received him most kindly in Manchester and he will soon go to Liverpool.




Manchester, England


Platt Hall Manchester

Jan. 20 1824

My Lord,

I sincerely desire to find proper terms in which to express my grateful sentiments for the interest your Lordship has taken in the cause which brought me to England. Your good wishes and kind exertions in my favour are now, I humbly trust in a fair train to be blessed with success.

For these cheering prospects compared with the gloom which at a certain period hung over what I deemed my path of duty I feel an almost unceasing sensation of thanksgiving and praise to the Disposer of all events and the Fountain of all goodness but seldom if ever before experienced. To God I prayed in the hour of distress (distress doubly distressing by reason of its peculiar nature) and He graciously thro’ Jesus Christ lent an ear to my cry. “O tarry thou the Lord’s leisure, be strong and he shall comfort thine heart. Put thou thy trust in the Lord.” The precept being obeyed I trust - the promise is fulfilled: and let God have all the praise.

I need not tell your Lordship how kindly I was received by my Friend Mr. Wiggin. The “appeals” being delayed a little for the good reasons assigned afforded me opportunity to become acquainted with many worthy friends who manifest their kindness in every proper way. They arrived yesterday and will be attended to by my friends.

Letters from Mr. Pratt and especially those from your Lordship of the 8 and 16 inst. assure me that God is gracious still and that the seed which is sown in peace shall be reaped in joy.

I hope to go tomorrow or next day to Liverpool and return to this place in about a week. In this little journey I have some expectation of the company of a worthy Clergyman of this Town known to the Rev. Gentleman mentioned by your Lordship and to most other pious characters in that place. This circumstance added to what your Lordship has done will I hope make my visit to that city pleasant and useful.

I think it was mentioned either by myself or Mr. Pratt that I had the honour of an introduction to the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of St. David’s before I left London. A letter from Mr. P. red yesterday informs me that his Lordship has signified his approbation of the appeal and that he will become a subscriber.

With [sentiments] of great esteem I am

Your Lordship’s most faithful Friend and obedient Serv.

Phil Chase

To the Rt. Hon. Lord Gambier

Iver Grove. Near Uxbridge

Letter to Lord Gambier



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