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Pratt encloses copies of the Appeal. The Bishop of St. David's will subscribe.
London, England
England voyage, Appeal, St. David's
Recommended Citation
Pratt, Josiah, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 222.
22, Doughty Street, London
Jan. 17th 1824
Right Rev. and Dear SIr
I send herewith some copies of the “Appeal,” with the proper notifications at the end. They are now, therefore, ready to be dispatched as purveyors for our Fund. Those which we concur, are intended to go by the post; as any writing may be put on the 15th page, and the sheet [?] and will go, if [must], by the Post as a single Letter. Good use may be made of them in this way.
The Bishop of St. David’s highly supports the “Appeal,” and will subscribe.
I must, and believe, that our [?] Lord and Master will graciously bless you in this design to promote the Kingdom among men.
I am ever, Right Rev. Sir
With great respect,
Your affectionate servant
Josiah Pratt