"Letter to Philander Chase" by Timothy Wiggin


Timothy Wiggin



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The necessity of establishing the Protestant Episcopal Religion in the West before any other religious sects spread their influence. People in England do not understand a region without an established religion because their country is so well cultivated.




Manchester, England


England voyage, Platt Hall, Parliament, Lord Gambier, Episcopal Church, Mr. Mosley, Mr. Evans, Mr. Crosby


Manchester Jany 3rd 1824

My Dear Friend,

Your favour of the 31st gave me very great pleasure. It appears that your cause is gradually acquiring strength, and I hope and trust that it will go on successfully - since I wrote it has occurred to me that your statement, that is to go forth in the public, should not fail to represent the great importance of establishing the Protestant Episcopal religion in your Diocese before any other many become general there. If this can be accomplished, the [possibility] is that it will be the prevailing religion West of the Mountains, and that the most respectable wealthy and numerous part of the population will become its Supporters. You know the prevailing religion in the Eastern States, is not the Episcopal and most probably because different ones were introduced there, when first settled.

You have already churches build, and little congregation formed, and if you could provide Clergy, I doubt not nearly all the people would attend that form of worship. This would not only strengthen the Church, but would prevent visionary sectarians from gaining any influence in that part of the Country. I cannot but think that there never was a more favourable opportunity for extending the doctrines and influence of the Church than now presents itself, and I think what we now do will be like sowing good seed in good ground and that it will yield a most abundant increase.

It may be different to impress on the minds of people here, who are only accustomed to a thickly peopled and well cultivated country, how settlers in a new one are situated, and what important events will in all probability result from a good beginning. When I indulge a belief that your cause will succeed to the [extent] I wish, my imagination runs on to futurity and brings to my view one of the most populous and powerful portions of the world, all worshiping their Creator, as you would wish them to worship, according to the form of the Episcopal church.

We are anxious to see you at Platt Hall but would rather forego that pleasure than to have your cause suffer, in the smallest degree by your absence, and I will only add that I do not expect to be from home for some time to come, so [you] cannot come upon us unprepared.

I have nothing new to communicate. I expect Mr. Mosley will be in Derbyshire most of the winter, and that Mr. Evans will remain there till the meeting of Parliament, when he will probably attend in his place. If Lord Gambier should favour you with a letter to him, that introduction would no doubt be of use, although I think it is only necessary to make you known to him, so that you could acquaint him with the merits of your cause, to interest him in your favours. My last letter had not reached you when yours was dated that contained an answer to your enquiry about the Packet from Mr. Crosby which I never recd. We are all well at Platt and I remain yours most sincerely

T. Wiggin

Letter to Philander Chase



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