"Letter to Miss Duff Macfarlane" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase writes of his troubles properly expressing his gratitude and updates Macfarlane on his travels.






Chase's copy, England voyage, George Marriott, Mr. Cotton, Lady Rosse, Mr. Davis, Onderdonk, Diocese, New York


10 Featherstone Buildings

Holborn 13 May 1824

Very Dear Lady,

Your kind favor of the 8th has lain so long by me as to cause a conscious blush of regret when comparing with it my present state. I have read it, however over many times and as often thanked God for so good a friend. Never, till yesterday, and last night, could I get an opportunity of showing it to Mr. & Mrs. Marriott; and I believe this is the principal reason for my delay.

I wrote to Mr. Cotton as grateful & respectful a letter as I know how: yet when I sent it, could not but sigh at the imperfection of our mode of making our sentiments known in such cases as the present. [Terrors] are common to all both to those who feel much and those who feel little. In our language there are but three degrees of comparison, the [pos.] [compar.] & [superl.] and these can be used by the good, bad, and indifferent. From then shall one distinguish between between his gratitude for a small and a great person -- for that which is of a temporal and that of an eternal nature or tendency; for that, which will nourish and save the body; and that which may be the means of nourishing and saving the souls of thousands. For both, and all intermediate grades we have but one set of terms “I am extremely obliged to you.” I thought of this when writing to Mr. Cotton, and Lady [?] and to you, the instrumental cause of [theirs] and many other favours. I thought and [sighed] that we could not in such cases distinguish the degree of gratitude from that which is excited by the handing a hat or the picking up a kerchief.

I can not, consistently with my engagements, go to Layton; though from what you have told me of the place & inhabitants as well as from the hospitality I red in the family of Mr. Davis I am very [desirous of so doing].

Next Monday, God willing, I shall [?] to Cambridge & remain there about a week. I thence shall return to London.

At Oxford much is [going] for me now, and I hope to be at the Commemoration.

Here, at the meeting in June I must beg and I anticipate much satisfaction in so doing.

I have written to Lady [?] a second letter: Having found the sketch (but very [lately]) I shall have a fair copy made out & according to your request send it to you. Will you send the same to her Ladyship?

Ever your most grateful & humble friend

Philander Chase

P.S. I send you a New Edition of the Appeal Pray [look] at the last page. Of the paper mentioned in your letter I have none by me. The American papers & reviews are full of animadversions on Bp H’s conduct: all in temperate yet very indignant terms of disappropriation.

A NYork Presbyter (sd to be a Mr. Onderdonk though) [?] alone has pretended to defend him. The chief [?] only argument that care be remembered is that in which the application to a foreign nation for assistance is most pointedly condemned as disgraceful in principle and its originator held up to execration. What will [poor] Mr. Onderdonk say NOW, when the argument which he wages as the poor Bishop of Ohio may be turned with ten fold force as the Elevated character and standing of the Bp & Diocese of New York?

Letter to Miss Duff Macfarlane



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