"Letter to Philander Chase" by Philander Chase Jr.



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Mr. Smith's son will be coming to Worthington. A new stove to be added to the dining room.






Mr. Smith, Springfield, Dayton, Chillicothe, Worthington, stove, seminary


Dayton Mony Nov. 20 1820

My dear dear Son

Mr. Smith of this place has just told me that his son a young man [considerably] advanced will be sent on to Worthington Seminary.

Now this is to apprise you of this part and to desire that you’ll please him at our table if not completely filled already.

I have been kindly [red] in this place as usual - and have just tired by fingers to death in writing a long letter to the Rev. N. Bruce about his coming taking charge of this Congregation.

My health was never better and my prayers now more hearty for all the dear objects in my affection at HOME. It rains - but I hope it will clear off and permit me to go on tomorrow. Tell the man to leave a hole for a stove pipe in plastering over head to go thro the Roof so that the stove a small one may set in the corner of the dining room near where the old was was placed but nearer the corner. I shall purchase a cheap one as I pass thro Chillicothe.

This is written nearly at midnight and I am sleepy -

Service at Col. on Wedy

Springfield Friday

Dayton Saturday

“ “ Sunday

“ “ Evening

“ “ Monday Evening

Goodnight my dear Son. May God bless you all.

Ph Chase

Letter to Philander Chase



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