"Letter to Rachel Denison" by George Chase


George Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


George informs Rachel Denison of the success of his father's institution, now lead by Philander Chase. He urges her to send her son Joseph and informs her of the price to attend.






Worthington, Rachel Denison, Joseph, school, college, fees, price, Bp. Chase


Worthington Aug 8th 1820

My Dear Aunt Rachel

I have arrived at length in this place without accident and in good health. You will no doubt recollect that when I last saw you and your husband at Mr Russell’s we had some conversation respecting the propriety of sending your son Joseph to my Father’s house, and of having him instructed in this Institution. Mr Brother Philander has the charge of the school; which is increasing very rapidly. It flourishes beyond the expectation of the most sanguine. There are 31 scholars who are studying Latin and Greek and 10 [?] are attending to English studies. For an institution that is as yet but in its nonage--this number is very great. There are some scholars from Kentucky and children from this State of the most respectable families. Those who are [inmates] in my Father’s family are without exaggeration, the best behaved and the most gentlemanly young men I ever beheld. They are made every morning and evening to read a portion of the Holy Scriptures and to say their prayers. This regulation extends to those scholars who are out of the family as well as those within. Could you see the happy faces of these boys assembled round the table under the [grape] [vines] in front of our house--you would be highly delighted. My father and brother have both a very happy faculty of amusing them.

As it respects the terms that my Father imposes upon those who send their children to be under his particular direction in his family, I believe them to be very nearly as follows-

Board 52 weeks - $104.00

This includes room, [ordinary]

Mending, and candles

Washing (probably 25 [cts] fee week) - 13.00

Tuition from 5 to 7 dollars per

[?] for those studying [?] } say 24.00

In addition he will be obliged

To purchase a bed and bedding- (mattress)

of the expense of which I can not judge

in addition also the cloth, making and repairing of clothes

Pays the average share of wood for the use of the Institution

So that the probable amount would be perhaps a little upwards of $200 per year including every expense--that is--if Joseph would live as the other boys do--as it respects dress

When he is further advanced and enters this College (say in a year or 10 months) he will probably be desirous of having more expensive clothes. Until that time my Father has informed me that he will take charge of Joseph for $200 per year payable in semiannual punctual payments at the City of New York--part of which he wishes to have in advance to meet the necessary disbursements he will be compelled to make on his account.

Or my Father will charge as above stated and make separate charges for those articles where the price is not specified. I may have omitted some particulars in this account, but I believe the most essential points are mentioned.

My sincere and unbiased opinion respecting this school is that it is by far the best moral and classical school I ever beheld, combining economy with great attention to the health and manners of the students--Worthington is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and is considered by all to be a healthy situation. If you should conclude to send Joseph to this place, it would be perhaps as well to send him as soon as you can. I cannot forbear mentioning our little circumstance. Allan McCarther son to [Gen] McCarther of Chillicothe after being whipped almost to death at Athens College was at length dismissed from that place as being wholly ungovernable. This boy has been under my Father’s direction now for about 4 months during which time he has not had occasion to [?] upon him. He is one of the finest young men now that I ever saw.

Mrs. [Russell] desired to be affectionately remembered to you say & all your family. My Father returned from his [circuit] (hearing of my arrival) the day before yesterday. He will set out for Zanesville tomorrow. [Intrepid] surpasses all expectations. Mrs. [Chace], my stepmother, engages the respect & esteem of all who see her. She equals all that you have heard concerning her. Philanders is infinitely better than what he was in [?]. He is able to attend to the duties of the College with fidelity & regularity - What will become of me I can not at present determine - I have had some fine offers which I may mention hereafter. - Write to me soon at this place. Love to all [inquiring] friends & believe me [ever] yours affectionately.

Geo. Chase

P.S. Perhaps if the foregoing plan should meet with your approbation - the most [expeditious] route of sending Joseph here would be by the way of Buffalo & from thence in the Steam Boat to Cleveland. My [father] is going to Cleveland soon & will speak to his acquaintances there concerning [providing] him with a [?] to this place - Yours G.C.

Letter to Rachel Denison



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