"Letter to Dudley Chase" by Dudley Chase II


Dudley Chase II



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Dudley Chase II plans to meet his uncle during next year's fall break and requests money from him.




Dudley Chase, Dudley Chase II, college, Hartford, Connecticut


Hartford Connecticut

Last day of the month, week, and year of 1836

My dear Uncle,

I hasten to acknowledge your favour of the 26th, which, in addition to the gratification, which your communications always afford, relieved my mind from the apprehension, I was about to express to you, that some indiscreet language, in my former letters, had caused my dear Aunt, and yourself, to withold the favours, which I had anticipated much pleasure, in receiving. But the tone of the letter before me, bears no evidence of the severity, which my carelessness in writing, deservedly seeing it might be construed into want of of respect: but, on the contrary, assured me, of your continued goodwill, and affection; which it shall always be in by endeavour to deserve.

Sister Eliza’s late heavy affliction is distressing indeed. Deprived of the support, and comfort of both her Parents thus suddenly, and anxious for the welfare of her children, she must need, and I dare say fully appreciate, the condolence, and assistance, of her numerous friends; who I was persuaded, would not leave her comfortless, under such trials.

By letters, received from home yesterday, I learn that all the family, which now includes Rev’d Mr Samuel Chase, & wife are well, except the child of the latter. Comforts, of different kinds begin to multiply around the Robins Nest, an addition to the house of 40 ft is made to make room for the school under the care of Mr Chase which at present is confined to the family; but can be at any time enlarged as soon as the necessary buildings are erected.

Of the quantity, quality, and situation, of the land, which constitutes the farm; you have likely been informed.

If I should consult my own pleasure, and the desire of gratifying my friends, I should make no hesitation in complying with your kind invitation, to visit you the next College vacation. For the present, but a few days remain of our Christmas holy days, and then I have before me 13 long weeks of term time. The spring vacations, which commences in April, continues three weeks. That time would hardly suffice to make, what could be called, a visit, setting aside the bad state of the roads, at that season of the year, and the still more important consideration, the economy my situation requires.

That the proposed visit, would I fear, not be consistant with my duty; until our vacation in the fall, being of seven weeks duration, should remove the former objections.

I hope, my dear Uncle, you will attribute my delay in applying to you for pecuniary assistance, not to the want of a proper sense of your kindness; but to the desire I have, while in a state of probation, as it were, to depend, as much as possible, on the recourses of my Father. In consequence therefore, of my application to him, he has drawn on the Missionary Society for $200, which I suppose in the event of my continuance in College will be replaced by the same sum, due of the pledge of Mr. Beck of Phila. But your repeated wish, that I would make known my expectations, and wants, encourages me to do so, without reserve. My expectations of assistance from Father are not very great; since he said he had already spent all his own money in establishing himself in his new situation.

Mr Beck of Philadelphia will give $200, and the assisstance of the Church scholarship So; which remits all the tuition, and perhaps ome presents, as heretofore, from Father’s friends here, constitute my dependence. If you my dear Uncle feel inclined to assist me in addition to this, there is no one from whom I shall receive it more thankfully, or to whim I shall be more proud to acknowledge my obligations. My expense the past term, has been as follows board $22, writers fuel 13, College bills 7. Clothes 15 &c. The present vacation I have spent very pleasantly by invitation at the house of Mrs. Nichols, one of the most respectable, and wealthy of the citizens of Hartford. For this honour I am indebted to my Father. Remember me most affectionately, to Aunt Olivia, and tell her, whatever she may design for my future good I shall never forget her past favours, and kindness. To Sister Eliza I think to write soon; if not, please to tell her I do not forget her sorrows, nor her interesting children.

Remember me suitable to all the members of your family and others of my friends, whom you may meet. And now within two hours of the close of this day this week this month this year suffer me to bid you a hearty ‘Happy New Year’

Your affect. Nephew


Letter to Dudley Chase



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