"Anti-Nationalist Postcard of Spanish Civil War: Republican Junta de Bu"


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Postcard featuring a political cartoon with figures representing the Nazi party, the Catholic Church, Moroccans on board a ship.

Information Provided by Michael D. Bulmash:

The Spanish Civil War lasted from July 1936 to April 1939. The image on this postcard caricatures the groups held responsible for the Nationalist insurrection against the elected Republican government, placing Generalissimo Francisco Franco and his Falangist party in power. These partners include the Church, the pro-fascist aristocracy, the military and Moroccans of the Army of Africa. All appear aboard a boat named “Junta de Burgos,” registered in Lisbon, referencing the Nationalist headquarters and the origins of the uprising in fascist Portugal. A banner proclaims “Arriba Espana.” Spain itself hangs from a scaffold.


5 1/4 x 3 1/2 "


Spanish Civil War, Anti-Nationalist, Francisco Franco, Falangist Party, Spanish



Anti-Nationalist Postcard of Spanish Civil War: Republican Junta de Burgos Ship



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