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305: Document titled “Paroles Françaises Paroles d’Espoir” with two images of men on the left side, blue and red border.

306: Document titled “MESSAGE DU MARÉCHAL PÉTAIN” in bold, blue print with image of Pétain in center.

307: Document titled “COLLABORATION”, with three frames of illustrations, final panel includes large question mark.

308: Document includes “Que deviant la FRANCE dans toute cette histoire?” underlined in top left corner, “MAURICE DELAUNAY” underlined at bottom of page.

309: Document titled “RESTE EN FRANCE!” at top of page, includes central image of ruins and three round images on right side.

Information Provided by Michael D. Bulmash:Post-1940 Vichy propaganda supporting puppet French leader, Marshal Philippe Petain and his collaborationist Vichy French government:

2019.2.305: “Paroles Francaises Paroles d’Espoir”, a leaflet praising Petain and introducing Darlan, Weygand, Pierre laval, and other supporters

2019.2.306: a message from Petain to French veterans, essentially blaming the previous administration for French loss and promising revolutionary changes in governmental and social administration

2019.2.307: a flier headed “COLLABORATION” and showing what was hoped for France versus what characters intended to represent Jews are actually doing to destroy the process

2019.2.308: an advertisement for a pro-Petain Vichy publication

2019.2.309: two-sided flier showing American bomber destruction of French cities and satirically advising: “French workers! Do not go to Germany…wait here for the bombs of ‘your friends’ the Anglo-Americans”.


305: 11 1/2 x 9" 306: 9 x 11" 307: 8 x 11" 308: 11 x 8"


Marshal Philippe Petain, Vichy Regime, Pierre Laval, Anti Semitism, Collaboration, Battle of France



Propaganda from Vichy, France



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