Zhou Yan Contemporary Chinese Art Archive 周彦当代中国艺术档案
Project on Paper
Mixed media, written statements, photographs and drawings
GENG Jian Yi's accounts for this work: "The inspiration for the work: One day, when I came home, my neighbors told me that in the afternoon someone had come to see me. No matter how they each tried to describe this person, I couldn't work out who it was. This feeling troubled me, so I decided I had to find out exactly who it was. The means to discover this: I asked each of the neighbors who had seen this person to write down their description of him and to draw a likeness of him, I then took photographs of each of the places where these people said they had encountered this unknown person." (Geng, [projects gallery], Shanghartgallery, available on https://www.shanghartgallery.com/artists/gengjianyi/project.htm) (Jerry Wu'23).