Zhou Yan Contemporary Chinese Art Archive 周彦当代中国艺术档案

Oil on canvas
This series of works contains three paintings and no title was provided. The background color of these paintings is either pure yellow, blue or pink. A scene of one couple having sex, derived from the Ming Dynasty novel “The Golden Lotus” (金瓶梅), takes the predominant space of the painting. This modern illustration of “The Golden Lotus” is rendered in black thin strokes. Black straight lines are applied onto the paintings to separate these scenes of “The Golden Lotus” into equal-spaced rectangular frames. The painter also superposes women from contemporary China with the motif of “The Golden Lotus” to compose the image. These women are rendered in colorful clothes, bright red lips, but their bodies are depicted in black and white. Hence, a barcode is applied to each of the paintings, which “lays an imprint for the commercialization and professionalization of eroticism in the 1990s”. (Peng De, “Notes of ‘The distortion of Eroticism’”, https://www.shanghartgallery.com/galleryarchive/text.htm?textId=744, Apr. 1993, ShanghART 香格纳画廊) See more work of this series from the attached links. (Yifan Shang ‘25)