Zhou Yan Contemporary Chinese Art Archive 周彦当代中国艺术档案
Exhibition Event Title
Models from of masses; three-man show
Date of Exhibition Event
Location of Exhibition Event
Beijing Art Museum, China
Various families, camera, and more
This photograph-installation is constituted by an orderly, repetitive array of family portraits -- all consisting of two parents and one child. In the grand social backdrop of the later 1900s China, this familial structure has become the standard, or the norm, to be kept up. All the portraits feature a red backdrop, recalling the portraits done by professional studios. The uniform red background only stresses the similarities between these portraits, making the "standard family" even more "standard". To quote an artist's word to explicate this work, "Everyone’s normal life is the same. I can only take myself out of it and look down or look up ]upon the picture of "norm"] to see it comprehensively and correctly, to discover the details of the people who are active [in the bubble of norm], the hidden roots [of the engager and their behaviors], the complex emotions and the relationship among people. (读图 | 《标准家庭》——王劲松 , 2020, available on https://m.sohu.com/a/376231378_660788?_trans_=010004_pcwzy). (Jerry Wu'23).
WANG Jin-Song_Slide_Standard Family 001.tif (11054 kB)
WANG Jin-Song_Standard Family_Post Card0001.tif (12320 kB)
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WANG Jin-Song_Standard Family0003.tif (8168 kB)