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Collection of 87 pressed botanical specimens, collected primarily in the vicinity of Gambier, Ohio, between April and June, 1871 by George Franklin Southard, Kenyon College student in the class of 1873. Includes incomplete index. Inscription: "Given to Harry E. Southard, June 15, 1907.

Publication Date





Botanical specimens -- Ohio -- Gambier, Botanical specimens -- Collection and preservation


Gambier, Ohio; Knox County, Ohio




Table of Contents

Botany, title page

Title Page with inscription: "Given to Harry E. Southard, June 15, 1907."

Botany, verso

Botany, index page 1

Partial index to the pressed specimens.

Botany, index page 2

Partial index to the pressed specimens.

Botany, index page 3

Partial index to the pressed specimens.

Botany, index page 4

Partial index to the pressed specimens.

Botany, page 1

Page contains 2 specimens. No. 1: Rosaceae Pyrus Coronaria, Common Name American or Garland Crab Apple, found Hazel Dell 4/30/1871; No. 2: Liliaceae Trillium Cernuum, found back of Minor Hall 4/30/1871

Botany, page 2

Contains specimens 3-5. No. 3: Violaceae Viola Blanda, sweet white violet, found Hazel Dell 4/30/1871; No 4: Violaceae Viola Pubescens, Yellow Violet, found in woods behind Bexley Hall; No 5: Violaceae Viola Cucullata, common violet, found College Hill April 1871

Botany, page 3

Contains specimens 6-9. No. 6: Polemoniaceae Polemonium Reptans found in back of Milnor Hall April 1871; No. 7: Geraniaceau Geranium Maculatum, wild geranium, found near Seminary April 1871; No. 8: Portulacaceae Claytonia Virginica, spring beauty, found College Hill April 1871; No. 9: Scrophulariaceae Veronica Serpyllifolia found near Ascension April 1871

Botany, page 4

Contains specimens 10-13. No 10: Berberidaceae Podophyllum Peltatum, mandrake or may apple, found College Hill East April 1871; No. 11: Caprifoliaceae Viburnum Prunifolium, black haw, found Oak Hill Northwest April 1871; No. 12: Caprifoliaceae Lonicera Tatarica, honeysuckle, found in a garden, May 1871; No. 13: Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Fasicularis, common buttercup, found in back of Bexley Hall, April 1871

Botany, page 5

Contains specimens 14-17. No. 14: Cruciferae Capsella Bursa Pastoris, shepherds purse, found Bishop's Walk April 1871; No. 15: Liliaceae Asparagus Majalis found in the graveyard April 1871; No. 16: Liliaceae Uvularia Perfoliata found near Bexley Hall May 1971; No. 17: Rosaceae Crataegus Spathulata found in the woods behind Bexley Hall May 1971

Botany, page 6

Contains specimens 18-20. No. 18: Rosaceae prunus Cerasus found near Bexley Hall May 1871; No. 19: Rosaceae Fragaria Virginiana found near Bexley Hall May 1871; No. 20: Cruciferae Stellaria Media found May 1871

Botany, page 7

Contains specimens 21-24. No. 21: Sapindaceae Acer Saccharinum found in College Park April 1871; No. 22 Violaceae Viola Tricolor found in a garden May 1871; No. 23: Araceae Arisaema Triphyllum found in the woods behind Bexley Hall May 1871; No. 24: Fumariaceae Dicentra Spectabilis found in a garden, May 1871

Botany, page 8

Contains specimens 25-28: No 25: Malvaceae Malva Rotundifolia found in Prof. Johnson's lot May 14, 1871; Polemoniaceae Phlox Paniculata found in woods behind Bexley Hall May 10, 1871; Lilaceae Ornithogalum Umbellatum found near Bexley Hall May 14, 1871; No. 28: Ranunculaceae Thalictrum Anemonoides found College Hill April 1871

Botany, page 9

Contains specimens 29-31. No. 29: Rosaceae Rosa Sulphurea found in a garden, May 18, 1971; No. 30: Rosaceae Rubus Villosus found Hazel Dell May 21, 1871; No. 31: Amaryllidaceae Hypoxys Erecta found College Hill East May 23, 1871

Botany, page 10

Contains specimens 32-34. No. 32: Orchidaceae Cypripedium Parviflorum found Hazel Dell May 21, 1871; No. 33: Caprifoliaceae Nizelia Splenda found in a garden, May 22, 1871; No. 34: Cruciferae Cerastium Viscosum found near Ascension May 18, 1871

Botany, page 11

Contains specimens 35-37. No. 35: Boriginaceae Cynoglossum Officinale found back of Kenyon College May 19, 1871; No. 36: Labiatae Mentha Candensis found east bank of Kokosing River May 19, 1871; No. 37: Umbelliferae Pastinaca Sativa found May 23, 1871

Botany, page 12

Contains specimens 38-40. No. 38: Crassulaceae Sedum Ternatum found Hazel Dell May 23, 1871; No. 39: Saxifragaceae Philadelphus Coronarius found in a garden May 23, 1871; No. 40: Compositae Aster Liniafolius found College Hill West May 17, 1871

Botany, page 13

Contains specimens 41-43. No. 41: Rosaceae Spiraea Salicifolia found in a garden May 23, 1871; No 42: Ranunculaceae Aquilegia Vulgaris found in a garden May 23, 1871; No. 43: blank

Botany, page 14

Contains specimens 44-46. No. 44: Caprifoliaceae Sambucus Canadensis found May 23, 1871; No. 45: Compositae Hieracium Venosum found College Hill West May 29, 1871; No. 46: from family Compositae

Botany, page 15

Contains specimens 47-48. No. 47: Magnoliaceae Liriodendron Tulipfera found Upper Vernon Rd. May 25, 1871; No. 48: Liliaceae Smilacina Racemosa found in back of Seminary May 29, 1871

Botany, page 16

Contains specimens 49-51. No. 49: Cruciferae Silene Virginica found College Hill East May 29, 1871; No. 50: Iridaceae Sisyrinchium Bermudiana found Hazel Dell May 27, 1871; No. 51: Rubiaceae Houstonia Caerulia found College Hill West May 26, 1871

Botany, page 17

Contains specimens 52-53. No. 52: Geraniaceae Perlargonium Cordatum found in a garden May 31, 1871; No 53: Liliaceae Polygonatum Biflorum found in back of the Seminary May 30, 1871

Botany, page 18

Contains specimens 54-56. No 54: Orobanchaceae Conopholis Americana found Bishop's Back Bone June 1871; No. 55: from the family Solanaceae; No. 56: Cruciferae Lychoris Githago

Botany, page 19

Contains specimens 57-59. No. 57: Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Perennis found College Hill East June 2, 1871; No. 58: Caprifoliaceae Lonicera Sempervirens found June 4, 1871; No. 59: Leguminosae Trifolium Repens found College Park May 23, 1871

Botany, page 20

Contains specimens 60-63. No. 60: Leguminosae Trifolium Pratense; No. 61: Campanulaceae Specularia Perfoliata found College Hill East June 4, 1871; No. 62: Smilaceae Smilax found in back of Prof. Strong's house June 8, 1871; No. 63: Nymphaeaceae Nuphar Advena found in Dresden Ohio May 1871

Botany, page 21

Contains specimens 64-67. No. 64: Primulaceae Lysimachia Quadriflora found near Seminary June 11, 1871; No. 65: Ericaceae Pyrola Rotundifolia found College Hill West June 11, 1871; No. 66: Solanaceae Solanum Tuberosum found Bennettsville June 13, 1871; No. 67: Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca Decandra found College Hill June 10, 1871

Botany, page 22

Contains specimens 68-70. No. 68: Caprifoliaceae Sambucus Canadensis found College Hill South June 10, 1871 ; No. 69: Rubiaceae Mitchella Repens found in caves June 14, 1871; No. 70: Scrophulariaceae Veronica Americana found Hazel Dell June 11, 1871

Botany, page 23

Contains specimens 71-74. No. 71: Onagraceae Oenothera found in a garden June 9, 1871; No. 72: Caprifoliaceae Viburnum Acerifolium found in caves June 14, 1871; No. 73: Crassulaceae Sedum Pulchellum found June 10, 1871; No. 74: Rosaceae Rubus Odoratus found in caves June 13, 1871

Botany, page 24

Contains specimens 75-77. No 75: Ranunculaceae Anemone Cylindrica found on banks of Kokosing River June 10, 1871; No. 76: Labiatae Prunella Vulgaris found Hazel Dell June 18, 1871; No. 77: Labiatae Nepeta Cataria found Bishop's Walk June 19, 1871

Botany, page 25

Contains specimens 78-81. No. 78: Geraniaceae Oxalis Stricta found near Ascension West June 19, 1871; No. 79: Scrophulariaceae Verbascum Blattaria found Kenyon College South June 19, 1871; No. 80: Scrophulariaceae Linaria Vulgaris found near Ascension; No. 81: Scrophulariaceae Verbascum Thapsus found Hazel Dell June 19, 1871

Botany, page 26

Contains specimens 82-85. No. 82: Onagraceae Circaea Lutetiana found Kenyon College South June 20, 1871; No. 83: Rosaceae Rosa Blanda found in caves June 14, 1871; No. 84: Ericaceae Monotropa Uniforma found in Hazel Dell June 18, 1871; No. 85: Cruciferae Brassica Nigra found in a garden June 19, 1871

Botany, page 27

Contains specimens 86-87. No. 86: Compositae Traxacum Dens Leonis found Bishop's Walk June 19, 1871; No. 87: Binoniaceae Catalpa Bignonioides found opposite Mission House June 20, 1871

George Southard Botany Book

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Botany Commons
