Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture | Vol 7 | Iss 2

Volume 7, Issue 2 (2020)

Current Issue: Volume 7, issue 2 (2020 2019)

Welcome to the Autumn 2020 issue of Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art & Architecture

Welcome to the Autumn 2020 issue which features three articles which features four articles that explore how dramatically what seemed like secure iconographic interpretations shift over time. Gil Fishhof in “The Rise of the Castellans and Medieval Architecture: Urbanism and Architectural Discourse in Twelfth-century Burgundy” steps away from the grander churches of Romanesque Europe and focuses on the rise of castellans and how these new villages around castle chose different architectural forms and to manifest their prestige, status, and power. Anne Bagnall Yardley and Jesse D. Mann, “Facing the Music: The Whimsical Cadels in a Late Medieval English Book of Hours” examines the cadels in late medieval English whose placement in the initials of chant texts and transformed it into a sophisticated exegesis of the Psalms and their antiphons. Jenny Davis Barnett’s "(Re)Visions of the Unicorn: The Case of Scève's Délie (1544)“ explains how the meaning of the ubiquitous unicorn shifted dramatically in the context of emblem books, requiring the reader/viewer to decode the allegorical relation between the textual motto, the title, and the picture. John Shin’s “The St. Bartholomew’s Icon of the Virgin Hodegetria: How Context Controls Meaning” is a thought piece on how a traditional Byzantine image in a Romanesque Revival and Art Deco styled church is made relevant today.

This issue also includes eleven thoughtful reviews of books on medieval art and material culture by Ron Baxter, Rachel Dressler, Carol Long, Sarah Mathiesen, Rachel Hiser Remmes, and Daniel Martin Varisco introducing volumes on many topics from 11th -century Egyptian maps to Eastern Byzantine architecture to Romanesque sculpture and its connection to the sense. This is followed by summaries of recent exciting archival and archaeological findings.

Our grateful appreciation and thanks for partial funding provided by Kenyon College. Programming and copy-editing: John Pepple and Artistic Advising: Karen Gerhart.

Sarah Blick, Editor & Brad Hostetler, Associate Editor


The Photobank database continues to serve as a resource for scholars and teachers. Please note that our Photobank has undergone considerable renovation and is now part of Digital Kenyon at Kenyon College. You can search by typing in a key word or name in the search box (e.g. Canterbury). The Photobank continues to grow with copyright¬-free images all downloadable for use in research and teaching.

The Future

For future issues we are actively seeking articles on any aspect of medieval art and architecture, including: long and short scholarly articles, scholarly book reviews, review articles on issues facing the field of medieval art history, interesting notes and announcements, useful website recommendations, new archeological discoveries, and recent museum acquisitions. We are interested in publishing articles that will undergo double-¬blind review as well as those which are subject only to regular editing processes, including articles that are the result of preliminary research. We are also looking for images to add to our photobank, to be shared and used by anyone in the classroom and in their research. To round out the scholarly portion of the journal, we are also seeking short, amusing excerpts from medieval sources, comments on the Middle Ages in movies and popular culture, etc.

Again, welcome to Peregrinations. Any suggestions or comments you have concerning the journal would be most welcome. Please feel free to e¬mail us at:

Sarah Blick
Bradley Hostetler

Feature Articles

Book Reviews


Cover art