Stephen Mack
Vellum is slightly worn, but Ege notes that this vellum was of high quality.; Particularly beautiful lettering, note the "R" on line 4 of the verso and the "E" on line 7 of the verso. Also several decorated initials in gold with red and blue surrounding it and thin decorations in white ink as a top layer.; Gothic Script; Floral images, brown stems with red, blue and gold leaves done particularly well.; In left margin of verso.; Denison notes that there are many errors in the script of this Book of Hours, this seems strange considering the quality of the vellum and the flowers and the quality of the handwriting.; Brown, red, blue, and gold inks
Description Recto
Denison University claims that this conforms to the "Use of Paris." This leaf contains the Office for the Dead, Matins, and First Nocturne from Psalms 7 and Job 7.; Flesh Side
Description Verso
Denison University claims that this conforms to the "Use of Paris." This leaf contains the Office for the Dead, Matins, and First Nocturne from Psalms 7 and Job 7.; Hair Side
Purchased from Otto F. Ege
Format Medium
Format Extent
18.5 cm x 13 cm
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Relation Is Part Of
Otto F. Ege's "50 Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts"
Date Digitized
January 2007
Late 1400s
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "Book of Hours: Number 45" (2014). Medieval Manuscripts. 37.