Stephen Mack
The vellum is in poor condition and the black ink has begun to fade.; Many decorated initials.; Rotunda Gothic Script; The decorated letters here are particularly well done. Again, simple rubricated letters are enlivened by thin filigree. Ege notes that the writing is unusually well done and that this may be a result of competition with the printing press. This is a revival of an older style of writing.; Black (faded, now looks brownish, but on the other manuscripts in better condition the color is black), red, blue, purple, gold inks
Description Recto
Gradual, however, Oliver Ellsworth suggests that it is an antiphonal and that this book was a hymn for Lauds.; Flesh Side
Description Verso
Gradual, however, Oliver Ellsworth suggests that it is an antiphonal and that this book was a hymn for Lauds.; Hair Side
Purchased from Otto F. Ege
Format Medium
Format Extent
26.5 cm x 20 cm
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Relation Is Part Of
Otto F. Ege's "50 Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts"
Date Digitized
January 2007
Mid 1400s
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "Gradual (Antiphonal?): Number 32" (2014). Medieval Manuscripts. 27.