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"AS to secret societies I did not mean to include Phi Beta Kappa"; Tremble of Wooster would do well at Mansfield
KMcI 640210
letter, McIlvaine, Bedell
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Bishop Bedell" (1864). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 87.

Bp: M-
about Phi Beta Kappa
Cinc. Feb. 10, 1864
My dear Bishop
Two letters from you today. This Mail will take something to Mr. Mormon about my dear friend Gen. Goddard. Also a word about the Freedman’s cause. I sent the prayer to Mr. French yesterday, considerably improved. I think on the draft I sent you. I found a copy of the Prayer for [Missions] proposed in the [?] of Bp., + that also for more [?] + combined them in me, substantially + with much of the same ending.
As to secret societies- I did not mean to include the Phi Beta Kappa. I have not regarded it as a secret society in any evil sense. If its meetings at G. are no more secret than these of the two library [?] + are held in Gambier + no where else, I do not object. If any of the faculty or you think differently let me know the reason before my decision is made known. I will keep Dy[mond’s] name, but he will not recover.
I am sorry Wells leaves after doing so well. I suppose you know that Trumble resigns Wooster for want of support. Would he not do for Mansfield? Could the two parishes be united under him, while Wooster is so weak. He is very good + pure, + I believe he has always been well liked. I did consecrate the Ch. + have sent a [?] to Mr. Mormon.
Yours affectionately